AngioKey : Coronary-Angiogram-Keyframes-Extraction

This is the official repository for the paper "Angiokey: A Deep Learning Method for Extracting Keyframes from Coronary Angiograms" submited in Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine.

I have to say that this code was inspired from

I made some of the following changes:

  • Load images has been adapted to the structure of our dataset;
  • We didn't train the U-net, we loaded a pretrained model;
  • The test is done on our personal dataset to produce the frame masks (Ground Truth).

usefulness :

This project can be used to automatically generate groundtruths of medical images. It was tested on a sample of coronary frames extracted from angiographic videos. Then it offers keyframes extraction from each video.

The project will be useful to automatically manage a large dataset ensuring better performance.


Hounaida Moalla & Aiman Ghrab

Previous works

Previous work has been presented in

Moalla, H.; Ghrab, A.; Ben Hamed, B.; Bahloul, A.; Hammami, R. and Abid, L. (2023). Automatic Coronary Angiogram Keyframe Extraction. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ISBN 978-989-758-626-2, ISSN 2184-4313, pages 582-589.

In this work, we have applied the method of filters on the frames for extraction of keyframes.


@software{Hounaida_and_all_2023, authors = {Hounaida Moalla and Aiman Ghrab}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1234}, month = {04}, title = {{Coronary-Angiogram-Keyframes-extraction}}, url = {}, version = {v1.4.23}, year = {2023} }


Python, Keras, Kaggle cloud


The full dataset was collected from exams performed by a single catheterization laboratory during the period between January 2018 and December 2021. Dataset consisted of 3159 angiographic study: a total of 37209 coronary angiograms was extracted. We used a sample of 45 angiograms to extract a total of 1434 frames of size 512 x 512 pixels. A sample of the dataset is put in the "oneSampleCoro" section above. All zipped dataset is put in the "all_dataSet_deep" section above.


The used model is U-net from @

Trained models

Section Models contains models traindes with 150, 200 and 300 epochs.