DYANAS: nonlinear DYnamic ANAlysis of Single-degree-of-freedom systems, an open-source graphical user interface for OpenSees

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dynamic analysis of single-degree-of-freedom systems (DYANAS):

a graphical user interface for OpenSees

by Georgios Baltzopoulos, Roberto Baraschino, Iunio Iervolino and Dimitrios Vamvatsikos


  • MATHWORKS MATLAB version 2015a or newer installed

  • OpenSees version 2.5.0 or newer: executable present in the directory <...>\DYANAS\osees\

  • TCL/TK installed

                                         INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS
      1. Copy (unzip) the DYANAS folder and subfolders to a non-system location on your drive
      2. Go to the directory <...>\DYANAS\osees\ and replace the file "opensees_exe.txt" with the
         OpenSees executable file "opensees.exe", downloadable from  http://opensees.berkeley.edu/
      3.  Install tcl/tk according to the instructions found in the download page of http://opensees.berkeley.edu/
      4. Start MATLAB and make the <...>\DYANAS\ directory the working folder.
      5. Open "main_GUI.m" in MATLAB and run it.
      6. The main DYANAS graphical user interface will appear. MATLAB must remain in the initial
          working directory of DYANAS for the GUI to be responsive to the user.