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to secure application traffic behind the ssl terminating loadbalancer including basic auth

technical view



The goal of the https-auth-proxy is to secure the application traffic inside of the virtual network and add an authentication layer.
The image was tested on an aws fargate cluster. The clusters LB accepts self-signed certificates. This way the https-auth-proxy can accept encrypted traffic from the LB which already terminated the public traffic encryption and re-encrypt it to be forwarded to your application.



This setup only works on services like aws fargate where all containers of a service are using the same shared network interface. This way the incoming traffic can be forwarded by the proxy to localhost:PORT. If you are using a service where every container has it's own interface feel free to fork the source code and implement your own solution. This should be done in default.conf and perhaps in Dockerfile and / or entrypoint.sh.

The PORT variable was changed to TARGET_HOST_PORT which consists of the IP (or hostname) and the port, separated by a colon (e.g.

Configuring the LB

Configure your load balancer to forward all traffic to your application on port 8443. This is necessary since only high-ports can be used inside a fargate service.
Make sure your ACLs and security groups do also match the new set port.

Configuring your service

Configure your service to open only port 8443 on the public interface. It's important to remove the previous port forwarding to your applications port.

Configuring the environment variable

To set your internal application port on the proxy container you have to pass on the value as an environment variable TARGET_HOST_PORT e.g. TARGET_HOST_PORT= The https-proxy's entrypoint.sh script uses this variable to set the required parameters in default.conf. Furthermore, the variables HEALTHCHECK_PATH and ADMIN_PASSWORD have to be set.

DockerHub Credentials

The DockerHub credentials included in the docker_push.sh file have to be added to the travis-ci.org configuration for the https-auth-proxy. This can be done by logging in with the GitHub credentials into travis-ci and add or change the variables:


These are the login credentials for the DockerHub.


An aws ecs fargate example could look like this

resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "task_definition" {
  container_definitions    = templatefile("./container_definition.json", {
resource "aws_ecs_service" "aws_ecs_service" {
  load_balancer {
    container_name   = "myApp-https-proxy"
    container_port   = 8443
    "name": "myApp",
    "image": "imageURL",
    "name": "myApp-https-proxy",
    "image": "hlag/https-proxy:latest",
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 8443,
        "protocol": "tcp"
    "environment": [
        "name": "TARGET_HOST_PORT",
        "value": "${CONTAINER_PORT}"
        "name": "HEALTHCHECK_PATH",
        "value": "api/ping"
    "secrets" : [
            "name" : "ADMIN_PASSWORD",
            "valueFrom" : "pathToKeyStore"