
This Docker project contains several docker images for building tmux for CentOS/RedHat.

Docker container

Building Docker image

To build a Docker image run the following command:

sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.centos6 -t tmux-centos-6 .

You should give proper parameters for -f and -t options.

Running container

To compile a proper tmux run the built container like this:

sudo docker run -v $PWD/temp:/tar-folder tmux-centos-6 [LIB_EVENT_VERSION TMUX_VERSION]


  • LIB_EVENT_VERSION is an optional version number for libeventlibrary. Default value is 2.0.22.
  • TMUX_VERSION is an optional version number for tmux. Default value is 2.2.

So, if you are happy with the default values then the container can be simply run like this:

sudo docker run -v $PWD/temp:/tar-folder tmux-centos-6

Notice -v option. The image requires a data volume named /tar-folder and it must be given when the container is run. Otherwise, the built tar.gz package cannot be copied to its destination folder.

Installing tmux

To install tmux on the target machine simply copy the tar.gz package to the target machine and extract the tar.gz to root (/). For example:

sudo tar -xzvf tmux-centos-6.tar.gz -C /

The above command extracts necessary files to correct locations.