A powerful data table based on vuejs. You can use it as data grid、Microsoft Excel or Google sheets. It supports virtual scroll、cell edit etc.
Pinned issues
- 0
[Feature Request] 开启虚拟滚动时,滚动过快,表格会出现空白
#630 opened by weijing1224 - 0
[Bug Report] 为什么要修改全局样式?
#629 opened by kawais - 0
[Feature Request] 树形table
#628 opened by Kris-hanqi - 1
[Bug Report] 分页是英文的 没有找到配置的api
#625 opened by caicaiNa666 - 1
[Bug Report] 怎么好像没有看到单击和双击事件的API
#624 opened by caicaiNa666 - 5
⚠ 🔴☘️Vue3版本的有吗
#601 opened by serendipitywzz - 4
- 0
[Feature Request] 合并/拆分选中的单元格
#623 opened by Wugx1 - 0
[Feature Request] cell grouping
#622 opened by yejinjian - 0
[Bug Report] 文档错误
#621 opened by merlinalex1028 - 1
[Feature Request] 能否支持撤销和重做?
#597 opened by air2c - 0
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[Bug Report] 列宽拖动 - 自定义单元格后,向左拖动列宽却在变大
#585 opened by Moxiao514 - 1
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[Bug Report] Paste导致数据类型转换了
#619 opened by chk4658 - 0
[Feature Request] 支持树形数据
#618 opened by sugar1999 - 0
[Feature Request] 支持自定义复制 粘贴 撤销 恢复 功能方法
#615 opened by xiaoliu-99 - 0
[Feature Request] 有没有办法修改或者禁用键盘的某些键位的操作
#614 opened by sam5511 - 0
[Feature Request] 为什么右键菜单没有粘贴呢?
#611 opened by xiaoliu-99 - 0
[Feature Request] 支持tree
#610 opened by linjulong - 0
[Feature Request] 自定义右键菜单
#609 opened by LGLYX - 0
[Bug Report] 快速滚动时会白屏
#608 opened by BigChan - 0
[Feature Request] Drag/Drop Columns
#607 opened by MaksadAnnamuradov - 0
[Bug Report] 开始虚拟滑动,点击滑动图标,快速滑动,会出现白屏
#606 opened by linxian1998 - 3
[Bug Report] 选中合并的单元格出现样式异常
#602 opened by kittors - 0
[Feature Request] 能否支持vue3
#603 opened by shangxzn - 5
[Feature Request] 考虑支持Vue3吗?
#580 opened by ZhangTomLiang - 1
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[Feature Request] 希望增加行固定功能
#599 opened by kittors - 1
[Bug Report] 使用单元格选择组件后,合并某两行单元格,点击单元格会重复渲染
#600 opened by Kr9s - 4
[Feature Request] 能否支持vue3
#571 opened by lhfssg - 0
[Feature Request] 希望可以增加表格数据导出功能
#598 opened by jjbnxy - 0
[Feature Request] 没有横屏全屏展示表格功能
#596 opened by usertable123321 - 2
[Feature Request] 自定义列如何配置最小宽度?
#595 opened by appleqzw - 5
#590 opened by tanxuxu - 0
[Bug Report] IE11浏览器下contextmenu菜单为空
#594 opened by WytUndefined - 2
[Feature Request] 能否添加一个表格渲染完成的事件监听
#593 opened by JellyBool - 0
[Bug Report] pageSizeOption设置不起作用
#592 opened by aituanyuan - 1
[Feature Request] 希望能增加点击表格外面不清除选中的配置
#591 opened by tanxuxu - 1
[Bug Report] 如何解决虚拟滚动滚动条卡顿问题 有没有好的解决方案
#587 opened by miaofukai - 1
- 0
[Bug Report] CDN 模式下 Mac 无法通过 Option Enter 在单元格输入换行符
#588 opened by wdxfairy - 3
[Bug Report] Still can delete cell with Delete key from Keyboard in cell that read only
#573 opened by hindarwan - 1
[Feature Request] 支持插槽写法
#581 opened by GuoSirius - 2
[Bug Report] expandOption.render 解析冲突
#584 opened by GuoSirius - 0
#583 opened by liguofeng0809 - 0
[Feature Request] 新增树形结构
#577 opened by zyylinbinbinbin - 1
[Bug Report] 合并单元格最后一列被选择后,表格抖动问题
#572 opened by huangshuwei - 1
#575 opened by y16678889 - 3
[Feature Request] 老大我怎么把表格下部的导航控制按钮的名称换成中文的啊?例如Total, page, Go to,我用的vue-easytable@2.12.0
#576 opened by zhouhm