
A follow-through of RayTracingInOneWeekend, with some variations

Primary LanguageC++


A project following a wonderful ray tracing tutorial book called Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

Major differences with the book

  • glm is used for vector and color representations.
  • lodepng is used to output the image as a PNG file, instead of a PPM file.
  • File structure and conventions are differnt from the original book. I tried to write the code in a more 'C++ way'.

How to build

This project only supports Windows x64, but you will probably be able to use the same source files and run it in different platfoms.


  1. Clone this repository and all of its submodules
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/HappyFaceFriend/RayTracingInOneWeekend
  1. Run GenerateProject.bat to generate a vs2022 project.

    • If you are not using vs2022, modify the bat file to your desired IDE
  2. Build the project in visual studio

  3. The resulting image will be under the directory RayTracingInOneWeekend.