

ServerLogHelper provides improved logging for DCS servers and other helpful server automation.

This project is in an early state, and the structure is fairly ad-hoc/experimental, just to provide the basic functionality to suit the needs of the servers using it. In short, there's a lot of room for polish!

Operates only on multiplayer missions and only on the server.


Simply drop the Mods and Scripts folder into the DCS saved games folder on the server machine. So that <DCS Saved Games>\Mods\Services\ServerLogHelper\Scripts and <DCS Saved Games>\Scripts\Hooks both contain a file called DCS-ServerLogHelper.lua.

Config options

Configured in <DCS Saved Games>\Config\ServerLogHelper.lua

  • directory - location for server logs. HTese are stored per mission run
  • restarts - specify times to restart the server. Each entry in restarts has the entries
    • weekday - 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday etc
    • hour - (optional) timezone appears to be UTC, but may vary locally
    • minute - (optional)

e.g. ["restarts"] = {{weekday = 2},{weekday = 4},{weekday = 6}} to restart Mon,Wed,Fri at 00:00