TSN Central Officer Records -- Website

This repository contains the code for the website displaying the TSN COR.

It is based on previous work by @astrolamb-gaming

Work on this codebase is continued in https://github.com/tsnrp/tsncor-website -- this repository is archived.


Some basic configuration can be done in configuration.js, where we just define a few variables that determine the behaviour of the app. If you're here because the COR spreadsheet told you to "update the AppsScript deployment URL in the website", then this is the file you need to look at. You'll want to change the TSNCOR_DEPLOYMENT_WEB_APP_URL variable.

Code structure

This is a relatively plain "hand-crafted" website with some HTML and CSS. You'll find the main structure in index.html, and the biggest part of the logic in modules/store.js.


The code uses petite-vue (based on vue.js) to introduce some reactive patterns. If this is something you've never heard of, here's the TLDR: The key point is that we're displaying dynamic (changing) data in our HTML. The petite-vue library takes care of updating the HTML whenever the data changes. If you've ever done something like this "by hand", you'll know what a pain it can be.

The basic principle is this: In store.js, we define all of the dynamic data that we might want to display. We also define all the ways in which the data can be changed. If you open modules/store.js, you'll see some data fields, and a lot of functions that filter or modify the data.

Then, in index.html, we put some directives for petite-vue that tell it where the data needs to go. It works kind of like a template: if you write {{ officer.name }}, then that whole part will be automatically replaced with the officer's name (as defined in store.js). You can look at index.html to see it in action.

There are some more cool features. The important ones are:

  • the v-if directive can be added to an HTML tag to make this tag only visible if a javascript condition is true
  • the v-for directive can be added to an HTML tag. This will make petite-vue repeat the tag once for each item in a javascript list.
  • the v-bind directive can be added to inputs (like the search field). This means: "whenever this input field changes, update that javascript variable, and vice versa".

Look & Feel

If you want to change the look of the page, you'll want to look at layout.css and style.css. The first one takes care of arranging everything correctly. The second one is for defining colors, text size, font, and so on.