801 Labs site

Contact me through UtahJS Slack to hire me.

Current and future tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bulma CSS framework, Hugo static site framework


Hugo Docs | Bulma Docs

Look at the site:

clone https://github.com/HappyViki/801-labs-site.git
cd 801-labs-site/hackerspace
hugo server

Go to http://localhost:1313/

Page Structure

Location of pages: hackerspace/content

Location of new page structure: hackerspace/archetypes

Create a page:

hugo new [page-name.html]

Default (default.html) page:

title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}" \\ Page Name
date: {{ .Date }} \\ Example: 2019-12-17T16:34:31-07:00
draft: true \\ This is default, change to 'false' when ready

<section class="section has-text-centered">
  <div class="container">
    <h1 class="title">{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}</h1> \\ Page Name

<!-- Body Of Page -->