
Chinese-Symplified version of the original certificate-expiry-monitor

Primary LanguagePHP

About the fork:

This is the Chinese-simplified version of the original Certficate Expiry Monitor. Example site in Chinese Simplified: https://ssl.qing.su/

这是原版本Certificate Expiry Monitor的中文翻译版本。示范站点:https://ssl.qing.su/

Version 1.3 was forked and translated. The original php mail() was replaced with Pear mail function. If you would like to restore the old mail() function, please change the related .php files in /functions/ directory accordingly.


Certificate Expiry Monitor 网站证书过期检测

About 关于本项目

Certificate Expiry Monitor is an open source monitoring tool for certificates. It monitors websites and emails you when the certificates are about to expire.


See the example site in English: https://certificatemonitor.org/


Requirements 系统要求

  • PHP 5.6+
  • OpenSSL
  • PHP must allow remote fopen.

Installation 安装步骤

Unpack, change some variables, setup a cronjob and go!

First get the code and unpack it to your webroot:


cd /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/
git clone https://github.com/Har-Kuun/certificate-expiry-monitor_zh-CN.git
mv certificate-expiry-monitor public_html

Create the database files, outside of your webroot. If you create these inside your webroot, everybody can read them.


touch /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/pre_checks.json
touch /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/checks.json
touch /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/deleted_checks.json
chown -R www-data /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/*.json

These files are used by the tool as database for checks.

Change the location of these files in variables.php:


// set this to a location outside of your webroot so that it cannot be accessed via the internets.

$pre_check_file = '/srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/pre_checks.json';
$check_file = '/srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/checks.json';
$deleted_check_file = '/srv/www/ssl.qing.su/db/deleted_checks.json';

Also change the $current_domain variable, it is used in all the email addresses.


$current_domain = "ssl.qing.su";

And $current_link, which may or may not be the same. It is used in the confirm and unsubscribe links, and depends on your webserver configuration. example.com/subdir here means your unsubscribe links will start https://example.com/subdir/unsubscribe.php.


$current_link = "ssl.qing.su";

Set up the cronjob to run once a day:


# /etc/cron.d/certificate-exipry-monitor
1 1 * * * www-data /path/to/php /srv/www/ssl.qing.su/public_html/cron.php >> /var/log/certificate-expiry-monitor.log 2>&1

The default timeout for checks is 2 seconds. If this is too fast for your internal services, this can be raised in the variables.php file.


Finally, install php-pear and the Mail package in order to use the SMTP mail function.


apt-get install php-pear
pear install Mail
pear install Net_SMTP


中文版帮助与支持请访问 https://qing.su/article/sslcheck.html