Scripts used to QC and analyze metabolomics data for Novotny et al. (2021) Metabolomic and lipidomic signatures in autosomal dominant and late-onset Alzheimer disease brains
- Check technical replicate correlation and average
- Remove metabolites missing >20% readings
- Recover metabolites with high missingness whose missingness between groups corresponds with differential abundance between groups
- Impute missing values in recovered metabolites with minimum
- Check missingness by individual
- Log-transform data, remove outliers (>1.5xIQR), adjust mean
- Average replicates in the scaled/imputed data provided by Metabolon
- Calculate PCA and identify outlier samples
- Remove outlier samples
- Main analysis including linear regressions for each status group (also matched by CDR, BraakTau, and BraakAbeta), association with age at death in sAD and CO, and association with APOE genotype
- Compare effects of 16 common metabolites between ADAD, TREM2, and sAD. ANCOVA tests with and without matching individuals by CDR, BraakTau, and BraakAbeta
- Calculate eigengene (PC1) for 16 metabolites in CO, sAD, ADAD, and TREM2 participants
- Test association of eigengene with phenotypic variables
- Create heatmaps representing the 16 metabolite-profile and test association of early-stage AD (ESAD) group with phenotypic variables
- Check for effects of fluoxetine on beta-citrylglutamate associations and vitamin supplements on vitamin associations
- Full cleaning and analysis of ROSMAP serum samples
- Full cleaning and analysis of ROSMAP DLPFC samples (p180 only)
- Full cleaning and analysis of ADNI1 serum samples
- Full cleaning and analysis of ADNIGO/2 serum samples
- Meta-analysis of ROSMAP, ADNI1, and ADNI2/GO serum data
- Create phenotype data frame to be used with ROSMAP Metabolon data
- Recovery of metabolites using consensus clinical diagnosis for ROSMAP Metabolon data, same process as 01-QC_missingness.R
- Missingness QC for ROSMAP Metabolon data, same process as 01-QC_missingness.R
- Calculate and visualize PCA for individuals; no outliers removed
- Differential abundance analysis for ROSMAP Metabolon data (linear regressions)
- Calculate eigengene for the 15 available metbolites in ROSMAP Metabolon data, check association with disease duration and Braak tau
- Stratify sAD into EOAD (AAO<65 years) and LOAD (AAO>=65 years), check differential abundance and phenotypic variables
The browser can be accessed at
- Main app file, load data and call modules
- Module for "Reading Distributions" tab, display results table, boxplots, and specific metabolite information
- Homepage, display phenotypic summary information
- Module for "Volcano Plots" tab, plot DE results, show boxplots, and specific metabolite information
Brenna Novotny: