E-Commerce App

This is a Flutter-based E-Commerce app that allows users to browse and purchase products from various categories. The app utilizes the FakeStore API to fetch product data and manage user carts.


  • View products categorized by different categories
  • Add/Delete products to the cart
  • View cart items
  • Delete cart items
  • Search for products


Getting Started


  • Flutter SDK
  • Dart SDK
  • Android Studio / Xcode (for running on emulators or physical devices)


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

  2. Navigate to the project directory:

  3. Install the dependencies:


  1. Connect your Android/iOS device or start an emulator.

  2. Run the app:

API Integration

The app integrates with the FakeStore API to fetch product data and manage carts. The API base URL is https://fakestoreapi.com.

API Endpoints:

  • Fetch all products: GET /products
  • Fetch single product: GET /products/{id}
  • Create a cart: PUT /carts/{userId}
  • Fetch cart: GET /carts/{userId}
  • Delete cart: DELETE /carts/{userId}


  • http: ^0.13.6

Built With