Spring MySQL Demo Application

This is a simple Spring Boot application demonstrating basic CRUD operations using MySQL as the database. The application includes an entity User, a repository UserRepository, and a RESTful controller MainController exposing endpoints for adding users and retrieving all users.


Make sure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
  2. Configure MySQL on Aiven

Project Structure

  • DemoApplication.java: The entry point for the Spring Boot application.
  • User.java: Entity class representing a user with id, name, and email fields.
  • UserRepository.java: Interface extending CrudRepository for user data access operations.
  • MainController.java: RESTful controller providing endpoints for adding and retrieving users.

Running the Application

Run the DemoApplication.java class as a Java application. The application will start on localhost:8090 (specified in application.properties). You can change the port number in application.properties if required.


  • GET /demo/all: Retrieve all users.

    curl http://localhost:8080/demo/all
  • POST /demo/add: Add a new user. Provide name and email as request parameters.

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:8090/demo/add -Method POST -Body @{
      name = "Hardvan"
      email = "123@email.com"

Link to the YouTube Tutorial