
This repository contains the code for the archer paper, our microarchitecture analyzer.

Primary LanguageC

The Archer - [The] Micro[arch]itecture Analyz[er]

This repository contains the code for the archer paper, our microarchitecture analyzer.


In this work, we want to analyze the microcodes of each instruction after and before any microcode update and find the differences caused by microcode updates, MSR modifications, and control registers transitions to find where intel attempts to patch during its microcode updates and to discover other possible vulnerabilities. Then, we try to find vulnerabilities that result in these changes.

Real world examples

For example,our experiments show that instruction X previously takes n cycles; now, it needs (n+i) cycles to do the same job. Also, its micro-Op count is changed. For example, if we assume that a microcode update is related to CFLUSH, before applying this update, we forced the cache to be in a specific state (flushed and filled), then we test the execution of CFLUSH and get the results about its behavior. After that, we update our processor using the microcode update. Our results in terms of the performance counter, which are related to L1, L2, and L3 cache, also iTLB and dTLB changed significantly. This observation can confirm our assumption about patched instruction. Even we could not precisely find where they had patched, but the features show that cache events and some port-related features changed so by knowing these details we can somehow understand what kind of components they try to change. We will use some machine learning approaches to find the origin of the changes; then we try to find other instructions with similar features that might be translated to similar vulnerability. In the last step, we may try to compromise the system using instructions with similar features to the patched instructions.



This directory contains the SQL definition (.sql file) in order to create the database (tables) for storing the results of the analyzer. There is also GetTableFromResultsToHTML.py which converts the database results into a human-readable HTML Table.


ArcherLikwid is customized build of the Likwid designed to use Hardware Performance Counters and combine all the possible HPCs with Intel TSX (Intel Transactional Synchronization Extensions Technology), it reads the possible instruction from the results of ArcherSandsifter.


ArcherMSRManager is used to brute-force over MSRs in order to find new instruction which appears in the result of activating a MSR bit and finding the odd behaviors over the different MSRs. It uses ArcherTransferOverUSB as the transfer module to send the data about MSRs into the database.


Our archer uses NanoBench (uops.info) as a vector combined with the results of our customized likwid to find the behavior of each instruction in the architectural level of Intel processors, we combined NanoBench with Intel TSX in order to find the behavior of unknown instructions from our instruction brute-forcer.


In this directory, we store some sample results. For instance, you can find the instruction mnemonics and hex representation of instructions in sample Intel processors.


This project is customized version of sandsifter which aims to collect all of the possible instructions in an Intel processor. We use the results of this project in all of other projects and feed them with possible Intel instructions.


As it's not possible to manage exceptions when we use ArcherMSRManager, we use this project to send the data out from a linux machine then restore the previous system state.


In order to use archer, the first thing you need is finding all the instructions, goto ArcherSandsifter and run it as described in the folder itself.

sudo ./sifter.py --unk --dis --len --sync --tick -- -P1 -t

It's really recommended to use the instruction from the processor you're testing on as there are other instructions based on your microarchitecture but in the case if you want to use the previously brute-forced results, you can use the archer/ArcherSampleResults/instructions.json.zip, don't forget to decompress it first.

In the second place you have to create database tables for saving the results of the analyzer. Install mysql and use the SQL file in archer/ArcherDatabases/ to build the new database.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Third, you have to use ArcherLikwid, using arhcer likwid you have to replace instructions.json with the instruction path from ArcherSandsifter.

After that, run it using the following command.

python json_llikwid.py	

Fourth, you need to run ArcherNanobench, open the Integrator.py and change the following lines to your specific details for mysql, replace your server ip address with IpHere and replace mysql username to UserHere and mysql user password with PasswordHere and name of the database to DatabaseHere.

The last step here is add the path to instructions from ArcherSandsifter to filepath.

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
filepath = 'Path to instructions Json'

and finally run it using :

python Integrator.py	

Fifth, you can use GetTableFromResultsToHTML.py in Hardware-Security/archer to get the results.

python GetTableFromResultsToHTML.py