docker cleanup

a tiny all in one shell, which removes:

  • containers that not running more than 1 Day ago
  • images that don't belong to any remaining container(so keep the image cache since 1 Day runned)

intend to run as crontab job


  • it will remove all <none>:<none> image
  • if the image has multiple repo:tag reference it, it will remove all repo:tag except with running container. Actually it is a nature of "docker rmi"
  • learn many thing from docker-rc, but I feel it could impelment more lightly
  • log output to /var/log/docker-cleanup.log, you can change it to other place

have fun!

docker cleanup


  • 停止超过1天的容器
  • 1天之内没有运行容器的镜像


  • 会删除<none>:<none>的镜像
  • 如果这个镜像有多个repo:tag指向,会删除多余的repo:tag,除了正在跑的容器对应的repo:tag,实际上这是docker rmi的特性
  • 从docker-rc学到了不少,就是觉得可以写的更精简一些
  • 报错信息输出到/var/log/docker-cleanup.log, 你可以选择换个地方输出
