Personal Finance Management Application


The Personal Finance Management Application is a web-based tool designed to help users track their income, expenses, and savings goals. The application provides a comprehensive set of features for managing finances effectively, including expense tracking, budget management, savings goal tracking, transaction analysis, and financial health assessment.


  • Expense Tracking: Categorize and track expenses, including recurring bills, one-time purchases, and discretionary spending.
  • Budget Management: Set budget limits for different expense categories and receive notifications when predefined thresholds are exceeded.
  • Savings Goal Tracking: Set savings goals and track progress over time, with visual indicators and milestone notifications.
  • Transaction Analysis: Gain insights into spending patterns and trends through interactive charts and graphs.
  • Financial Health Assessment: Receive general recommendations and tips to improve financial literacy, manage debt, and optimize savings.
  • Secure Data Storage: Encrypt and store user financial data securely to protect privacy and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Expense Reminders and Alerts: Implement reminders and alerts to notify users of upcoming bill payments, due dates, and budget milestones.
  • Customizable Reporting: Generate customized financial reports, export data to spreadsheets, and analyze financial history.
  • Integration with Financial Institutions: Explore options for integrating with banks and financial institutions to automate transaction imports and account reconciliation.

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone
  2. Install Dependencies: npm install
  3. Run the Application: npm run dev
  4. Access the Application: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5173


The application can be deployed on a cloud platform such as Vercel, Netlify, or Heroku for easy access by users. Ensure that environment variables for sensitive information (e.g., database credentials) are properly configured before deployment.


  • README: Provides setup instructions, dependencies, and an overview of the project.
  • Code Comments: Ensure code comments are included to explain the functionality of different components and modules.
  • Function/Module Descriptions: Provide descriptions for functions and modules to facilitate understanding and maintainability.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Adherence to project requirements.
  • Cleanliness and organization of code.
  • UI/UX design and usability.
  • Implementation of language and OpenAI features.


Field Type Default Required Description
password String true User's password
name String true User's name
age Number true User's age
gender String true User's gender
profilePhoto String URL of user's profile photo
email String true User's email
userId String User ID
username String User's username
phone String User's phone number
profession String "Other" User's profession
annualIncome Number true User's annual income
expenses Array of mongoose ObjectIds Expenses associated with the user
spentLimit Number 1000 User's spending limit
loanedFromLimit Number 1000 User's limit for loans given to others
loanedToLimit Number 1000 User's limit for loans received from others
activeNotifications Array Active notifications for the user
timestamps Boolean true Automatically generated timestamps


Field Type Default Required Description
userId ObjectId (Reference to User) true ID of the user associated with the expense
amount Number Amount of the expense
date String Date of the expense
title String Title of the expense
category String Category of the expense
subCategory String Subcategory of the expense
type String (Enum) Type of expense (Spent, Earned, Loaned, etc.)
friendName String Name of the friend involved in the transaction


Contributions to the project are welcome! Please follow the Contribution Guidelines for more information.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.