
A real life online Student Election System similar to online voting system

Primary LanguagePHP


  • A real life online Student Election System similar to online voting system.
  • Made with Web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap and PHP).
  • This is Student Voting System which can be used in Electing Student Leaders/ Student Representative in a class, president of students union etc. Here is a brief info about the project.

You can see its live demo deployed here


  • Admin - Has access to database, and can see all students and candidate details and alter them if needed.
  • Students/users - They are the voters. They have to register first and then they can vote to any candidate of their choice.
  • Candidates - They are the representative/candidate who want to stand in Election process. There is a portal for them also where they can register.


  • First the candidates have to register on candidate portal.
  • Next, Students/users/voters have to register on voters' Portal.
  • Then Voter Login -> Voter can vote. also can change their demographic details. Once voted, it cant be changed. (Of course, admin can grant permission if necessay)
  • Admin Login - Admin can see real time voting percentage against each candidate and in last can declare the winner

Tools required

  • Simple tool - The XAMPP/WAMP/LAMP Software should be installed on the system.


  • Clone or Download Zip project
  • Extract to any location using softwares like 7zip or WinRAR
  • Put the project into 'htdocs' directory.
  • Database setup - Create a database named 'StudentVote' (or of your choice) and import the file 'StudentVote.sql' given here in that.
  • Run Localhost and Enter the project folder name. The index page will start running.

P.S.: If you fork, please don't forget to star the repo. Thank you.