Konbata is a python libary, that allows you to covert a file. It formats the content of the input file into the output format, by using an internal data structure.
At least, this is the goal of the project. It can also be used as a tool in the terminal.
Simple, there are just too many file formats (see some file formats below). And almost every tool needs its data in another file format. This is where konbata comes in place, it serves as interface between tools and file formats.
Just a list of some file formats: xml, csv, json, html, txt, ...
The source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/jzeuner/konbata
You can install the latest version with pip.
foo@bar:~$ pip install konbata
konbata.py [-h] [-sh] [-g] [-del DELIMITER] [-opt OPTIONS]
input_file output_file
positional arguments:
input_file Path of input file
output_file Path of output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-sh, --show Show output file
-g, --get Get output file
-del DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER
Set input delimiter: -del ';'
-opt OPTIONS, --options OPTIONS
Additional Options
To be added.
Feel free to contact me (e.g via Github) or to contribute in the project.
All kind of contributions are welcome!
A detailed guide, has to be added.
foo@bar:~$ python konbata.py /test/inputfile.csv /test/outputfile.xlsx
Format | Status | Basic Convert | Extended Convert |
txt | Active | True | False |
csv | Active | True | False |
xlsx | Active | True | False |
xml | - | - | - |
json | - | - | - |
YAML | - | - | - |
... | - | - | - |