April 2019, Java Enterprise C4J was released. C4J is a low-cost, privatized, full-channel, high-performance user analytics tool.
Visit demo: https://c4j.cn/demo
Application for trial: https://c4j.cn/ucenter/#/apply4trail
Firstly, welcome to access the DEMO website to have a try:
Cobub Razor is a powerful, open source mobile analytics system. It enables user to monitor the statistics of their mobile Apps and app users' behaviors through providing detailed, multi-dimensions reports on mobile application users. At this moment, it supports iOS, Android and Windows Phone OS platform.
Cobub Razor has two components. Web Cobub Razor is a PHP/MySQL system that you download and install on your Web Server. Another component is Cobub Razor SDK (iOS/Android/WinPhone supported), which is embedded in your mobile application during the development phase.
Cobub Razor is a tool that enables Apps developers and enterprises which have Apps to monitor users' behaviors, users' device features, users' clicks, custom event, Apps errors, auto update of Apps and so on. Cobub Razor also helps on notify the users to upgrade version, compare different Apps and compare different distribution channels.
A Chinese introduction video: Cobub Razor Introduction Video - Chinese Version
Compare to other analytics systems, Cobub Razor has following advantages:
* Private system and data storage
* Real time and detailed Apps usage
* Low cost
* Possible for other data source integration
* Custom reports available
* Fully support mobile devices to visit the reports
How to install Cobub Razor: http://docs.cobub.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=884864
DO NOT forget to configure the schedule tasks: http://docs.cobub.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=884913
More details, please visit http://docs.cobub.com
Any problems, requests, please submit issues to https://github.com/cobub/razor/issues
Subscribe: cobubrazor-subscribe@yahoogroups.com Post Message: cobubrazor@yahoogroups.com
QQ group:194022996
The Cobub Razor software is released under the licenses from the Free Software Foundation. We are using different license for different components in the package of Cobub Razor software: