This is a simple React blog application that displays articles categorized into different topics such as Data Science, Full Stack Development, Cyber Security, and Career.
- The project structure is organized as follows:
- src/: Source code for the React application.
- components/: React components for different sections.
- App.js: Main application component.
- index.js: Entry point for the React app.
- public/: Public assets and HTML template.
- Components
- Navbartask.js: Navigation bar component.
- All.js, Fullstack.js, Datascience.js, Cyber.js, Career.js: Components for displaying articles based on categories.
- Card.js: Component for rendering individual article cards.
* Styles
- App.css: Styles for the application.
The application is deployed and can be accessed here : Blog App.
- Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have improvements, feel free to create a pull request.