
You can receive and send data to the sensor via the serial communication protocol, then display it in many graphs.

Before Usage

  • Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
  • Download teechart.ocx.
  • Download mscomm32.ocx.
  • Copy the teechart.ocx and mscomm32.OCX in the "C:\Windows\System32" folder if you running windows on 32 bit and in the "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" folder if you running windows on 64 bit.
  • Go to the "C:\Windows\System32" folder.
  • Right click the cmd.exe application and select "Run as Administrator".
  • At the command prompt enter "regsvr32 mscomm32.ocx".
  • At the command prompt enter "regsvr32 teechart.ocx".