
Quiromanciers is an Apps that allows you to generate your own biography of a part of what you love. Quiromanciers is based on the GPT2 model of openAI.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Quiromanciers is an Apps that allows you to generate your own biography of a part of what you love. Quiromanciers is based on the GPT2 model of openAI.

Techologie using:

  • Python3
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker

Packages using in python (seeing for more information requirements.txt):

  • tensorflow
  • streamlit
  • pandas
  • wikipedia (API Wikipedia)
  • instaload (API Instagram)

Run project from root path

streamlit run LesQuiromanciersUI.py

Run apps from Docker

Build container from dockerhfile

docker build . -t les-quiromanciers

Run container from dockerfile

docker run -d -p 8501:8501 les-quiromanciers

create tag container

docker tag les-quiromanciers gcr.io/neomail-258716/les-quiromanciers:latest

Push tag container

docker push gcr.io/neomail-258716/les-quiromanciers:latest

Configure Workflows github to GKE

This workflow will build a docker container, publish it to Google Container Registry, and deploy it to GKE.

To configure this workflow:

  1. Ensure that your repository contains the necessary configuration for your Google Kubernetes Engine cluster, including deployment.yml, kustomization.yml, service.yml, etc.

  2. Set up secrets in your workspace: GKE_PROJECT with the name of the project, GKE_EMAIL with the service account email, GKE_KEY with the service account key.

  3. Change the values for the GKE_ZONE, GKE_CLUSTER and IMAGE environment variables (below).

Sequence Diagrams

Generate biographie from instagram data

alt text

Generate biographie from input text

alt text