Primary LanguagePython

Regularization of Distinct Strategies for Unsupervised Question Generation

We propose a novel regularization method for avoiding a bias toward a particular question generation strategy and modulating the process of generating individual words when a question is generated.

This repo provides codes for BERT-QA (by Hugginface), BERT-QG (Two assistants and Student), and Discriminator.

Installation & Dependency

  • We use transformers from HuggingFace for BERT.

    pip install transformers
    pip install torch==1.4
    pip install packaging
    pip install tensorboardX
    pip install boto3

Pre-trained models

  1. Download the trained models. This includes copy_type_assistant, lm_type_assistant, student, discriminator, and bert-base-uncased (for BERTQG).
  1. Once you have downloaded the models, you should move them as follows (We assume your current directory is in UQA):

     unzip all_models.zip
     mkdir models
     cp -r all_models/discriminator.bin models/
     cp -r all_models/* BERTQG/models/
     rm -rf all_models


We provide the data generated by our models, and used for training our models.

  • Once you download the data, unzip data.zip and you will get a directory called data.

      unzip data.zip

Inside the automatically created data folder, you will find the following files:

  • QA_train_10k.json: a training set for QA by generated our student model (final model).
  • student_gen_10k.json: a dataset, consists of (context, answer), to be used for generation of questions by the student.
  • student_train_10k.json: a training set for the student by generated our teacher (soft target).
  • teacher_gen_10k.json: a dataset, consists of (context, answer), to be used for generation of questions by the teacher (i.e., two assistants + regularization module).
  • lm_type_train_10k.json / copy_type_train_10k.json: a training set for the assistants.
  • Disc_lm-type_40k.json / Disc_copy-type_40k.json: a dataset used for training and evaluation for the discriminator.

Make sure that these datasets are in data/ to execute the following scripts.

Usage of scripts

  • BERTQA/run_squad.py: a script for testing the generated questions on a QA model (BERT-QA from HuggingFace). Note that we set dropout to 0, and use sequential sampling for discriminative results. With this setting, you should get a F1 score of about 60 on SQuAD 1.1 as in the paper.

    wget -P data https://rajpurkar.github.io/SQuAD-explorer/dataset/dev-v1.1.json
    python BERTQA/run_squad.py \
        --model_type bert \
        --model_name_or_path bert-large-uncased-whole-word-masking \
        --do_train \
        --do_eval \
        --do_lower_case \
        --train_file data/QA_train_10k.json \
        --predict_file data/dev-v1.1.json \
        --per_gpu_train_batch_size 8 \
        --learning_rate 3e-5 \
        --num_train_epochs 2 \
        --max_seq_length 384 \
        --doc_stride 128 \
        --output_dir BERTQA/models/ \
        --logging_steps 5000 \
        --save_steps 5000 \
  • student_generation.py: a script for generating a QA training set using trained student model (final model).

    python3 student_generation.py \
        --bert_model BERTQG/models/bert-base-uncased \
        --student BERTQG/models/student/pytorch_model.bin \
        --input_file data/student_gen_10k.json \
        --output_file data/QA_train_10k.json \
  • student_training.py: a script for training the student model with the training set (soft target) generated by teacher.

    python3 student_training.py \
        --bert_model BERTQG/models/bert-base-uncased \
        --do_train \
        --train_file data/student_train_10k.json \
        --output_dir BERTQG/models/student/ \
        --num_train_epochs 2 \
        --train_batch_size 6 \
        --max_seq_length 512 \
        --doc_stride 450 \
        --max_query_length 42 \
  • teacher_generation.py: a script for generating the training set (soft target) using the trained teacher model. You may directly use the data generated by the teacher for QA as a regularization without student (more details in the paper).

    python3 teacher_generation.py \
        --bert_model BERTQG/models/bert-base-uncased \
        --lm_qg BERTQG/models/lm_type_assistant/pytorch_model.bin \
        --uqa_qg BERTQG/models/copy_type_assistant/pytorch_model.bin \
        --regul_model models/discriminator.bin \
        --input_file data/teacher_gen_10k.json \
        --output_file data/student_train_10k.json \
  • assistant_training.py: a script for training assistants. If the dataset is copy-type, the trained QG would be the copy-type assisant. If, on the other hand, the dataset is is LM-type, then the trained QG would be the LM-type assistant.

    python3 assistant_training.py \
        --bert_model BERTQG/models/bert-base-uncased \
        --do_train \
        --train_file data/lm_type_train_10k.json \
        --output_dir models/lm_type_assistant/ \
        --num_train_epochs 2 \
        --train_batch_size 6 \
        --max_seq_length 512 \
        --doc_stride 450 \
        --max_query_length 42 \         
  • Discriminator_training.py: a script for training the discriminator.

    python3 Discriminator_training.py