
This application provides statistics and other tools for Meetups that a logged-in user belongs to.

It uses OAuth2 and Shiny.

Setup for Local Use

The following should work for apps run locally. I'll update with instructions for how to run off later.

  1. Register an OAuth consumer for Meetup's API by filling out their form. Set the redirect URI to

  2. Copy Rprofile-sample.R to .Rprofile. Fill in the values with what Meetup provides.

  3. Run the Shiny app.

Setup for Use

  1. Register an OAuth consumer for Meetup's API by filling out their form. Set the redirect URI to

  2. Copy Rprofile-sample.R to .Rprofile. Fill in the key values with what Meetup provides. Set the redirect_uri to

  3. Deploy the app:

deployApp(appFiles=c("ui.R", "server.R", ".Rprofile", "auth.R", "www/custom.css"))

Note that you have to use different client IDs and Secrets, and thus different OAuth consumers, for local and hosted versions.