Joint Maximum Purity Forest


Joint Maximum Purity Forest

This is the project code (C++) for the paper: Joint Maximum Purity Forest with Application to Image Super-Resolution (https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.09200)

This part is the C++ code only for the classification and regression tasks. The code for JMPF scheme based image super-resolution part has been merged into my FARF project.

We will release the code when the paper is accepted. Harley@Hong Kong 8/31/2017

Add a Rotation Forest algorithm (RotationForest_Experiments_For_JMPF_20180316.7z) project which can generate experiments for the JMPF paper. The Rotation Forest python project is from: https://github.com/borjaayerdi/RotationForest Harley@Hong Kong 3/16/2018