
An official implementation of "FedBiOT: LLM Local Fine-tuning in Federated Learning without Full Model", which has been accepted by KDD'24.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

FedBiOT: LLM Local Fine-tuning in Federated Learning without Full Model

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Workflow of FedBiOT

FederatedScope-LLM (FS-LLM) is a comprehensive package for federated fine-tuning large language models, which provide:

  • A complete end-to-end benchmarking pipeline, automizing the processes of dataset preprocessing, federated fine-tuning execution or simulation, and performance evaluation on federated LLM fine-tuning with different capability demonstration purposes;
  • Comprehensive and off-the-shelf federated fine-tuning algorithm implementations and versatile programming interfaces for future extension to enhance the capabilities of LLMs in FL scenarios with low communication and computation costs, even without accessing the full model (e.g., closed-source LLMs);
  • Several accelerating operators and resource-efficient operators for fine-tuning LLMs with limited resources and the flexible pluggable sub-routines for interdisciplinary study (e.g., LLMs in personalized FL).

For more details, please refer to our paper: FedBiOT: LLM Local Fine-tuning in Federated Learning without Full Model.

We provide a hands-on tutorial here for your quick start.

Code Structure

LLM-related directory

├── federatedscope
│   ├── core                     # Federated learning backend modules
│   ├── llm                      # Federated fine-tuning LLMs modules 
│   │   ├── baseline             # Scripts for LLMs
│   │   ├── dataloader           # Federated fine-tuning dataloader
│   │   ├── dataset              # Federated fine-tuning dataset
│   │   ├── eval                 # Evaluation for fine-tuned LLMs
│   │   ├── misc                 # Miscellaneous
│   │   ├── model                # LLMs and Adapter
│   │   ├── trainer              # Fine-tuning with accerating operators
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── main.py                  # Running interface
│   ├── ... ...          
├── tests                        # Unittest modules for continuous integration
└── setup.py 

Quick Start

Let’s start with fine-tuning GPT-2 on Alpaca to familiarize you with FS-LLM.

Step 1. Installation

The installation of FS-LLM is similar to minimal FS (see here for details), except that it requires Pytorch>=1.13.0 (we recommend version 2.0.X) because of the PEFT dependency:

# Create virtual environments with conda
conda create -n fs-llm python=3.9
conda activate fs-llm

# Install Pytorch>=1.13.0 (e.g., Pytorch==2.0.0)
conda install pytorch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.0 torchaudio==2.0.0 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia

# Install FS-LLM with editable mode
pip install -e .[llm]

Now, you have successfully installed the FS-LLM.

Step 2. Run with exmaple config

Now, we can fine-tune a GPT2 on Alpaca with FedAvg.

python federatedscope/main.py --cfg federatedscope/llm/baseline/testcase.yaml

For more details about customized configurations, see Advanced.


Start with built-in functions

You can easily run through a customized yaml file. Here we only introduce the configuration related to FS-LLM, other configurations please refer to Configurations. For more examples, please refer to federatedscope/llm/baseline.

# For this configuration, you might need a GPU with at least 32GB of video memory to run.

# Whether to use GPU
use_gpu: True

# Deciding which GPU to use
device: 0

# Early stop steps, set `0` to disable
  patience: 0

# Federate learning related options
  # `standalone` or `distributed`
  mode: standalone
  # Number of communication round
  total_round_num: 500
  # Saving path for ckpt
  save_to: "llama_rosetta_9_fed.ckpt"
  # Number of dataset being split
  client_num: 9
  # Enable for saving memory, all workers share the same model instance
  share_local_model: True

# Dataset related options
  # Root directory where the data stored
  root: data/
  # Dataset name
  type: 'rosetta_alpaca@llm'
  # Train/val/test splits
  splits: [0.89,0.1,0.01]
  # Use meta inforamtion to split `rosetta_alpaca`
  splitter: 'meta'

# LLM related options
  # Max token length for model input (training)
  tok_len: 650
  # ChatBot related options
    # Max token length for model input (inference)
    max_len: 1000
    # Max number of history texts
    max_history_len: 10
  # Path for store model cache, default in `~/.cache/`
    model: ''
  # PEFT related options
    # Set ture to enable PEFT fine-tuning
    use: True
    # Args for PEFT fine-tuning
    args: [ { 'adapter_package': 'peft', 'adapter_method': 'lora', 'r': 8, 'lora_alpha': 32, 'lora_dropout': 0.1 } ]

# DataLoader related options
  # Batch size for iter loader
  batch_size: 1

# Model related options
  # Model type (format: {MODEL_REPO}@huggingface_llm)
  type: 'decapoda-research/llama-7b-hf@huggingface_llm'

# Train related options
  # Number of local update steps
  local_update_steps: 30
  # `batch` or `epoch` for local_update_steps
  batch_or_epoch: batch
  # Optimizer related options
    # Learning rate
    lr: 0.003
    # Weight decay
    weight_decay: 0.0
  # Set ture to enable `model.half()`
  is_enable_half: True

# Trainer related options
  # Trainer type
  type: llmtrainer

# Evaluation related options
  # Frequency of evaluation
  freq: 50
  # Evaluation metrics
  metrics: ['loss']
  # Set key to track best model
  best_res_update_round_wise_key: val_loss

Fine-tuning Datasets

In general, we use instruction SFT following Alpaca team. And in standalone mode, all dataset can be split into several clients with spesific splitter (i.e., lda, meta, iid) and federate.num_client.

Built-in Data

data.type Source Note
alpaca@llm Link IIDSplitter
alpaca_cleaned@llm Link IIDSplitter
dolly-15k@llm Link LDASplitter or MetaSplitter split to 8 clients.
gsm8k@llm Link IIDSplitter
rosetta_alpaca@llm Link LDASplitter or MetaSplitter split to 9 clients.
code_search_net@llm Link LDASplitter or MetaSplitter split to 6 clients.

Self-maintained Data

data.type Note
YOU_DATA_NAME.json@llm Format: [{'instruction': ..., 'input': ..., 'output':...}], default key: instruction, input, output, category
YOU_DATA_NAME.jsonl@llm Format of each line: {'instruction': ..., 'input': ..., 'output':...}, default key: instruction, input, output, category

Evaluation tools

We evaluate model domain capability of fine-tuned models with easy-to-use evaluation tools.

├── federatedscope
│   ├── llm
│   │   ├── eval
│   │   │   ├── eval_for_code
│   │   │   ├── eval_for_gsm8k
│   │   │   ├── eval_for_helm
│   │   │   ├── eval_for_mmlu

How to use:

For example, to evaluate the model fine-tuned with python federatedscope/main.py --cfg sft_gsm8k.yaml, you can run python federatedscope/llm/eval/eval_for_gsm8k/eval.py --cfg sft_gsm8k.yaml in the eval_for_gsm8k directory. For other usages, please refer to the README.md file in each subdirectory.


Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

With the help of parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods, federally fine-tuning a large model requires passing only a very small percentage of model parameters (adapters), making it possible for the client enable efficient adaptation of pre-trained language models to various downstream applications. We adopt PEFT for fine-tuning LLMs, and more methods are coming soon!

Methods Source Example for llm.adapter.args
LoRA Link [ { 'adapter_package': 'peft', 'adapter_method': 'lora', 'r': 8, 'lora_alpha': 32, 'lora_dropout': 0.1 } ]
Prefix Tuning Link, Link [{'adapter_package': 'peft', 'adapter_method': 'prefix', 'prefix_projection': False, 'num_virtual_tokens': 20}]
P-Tuning Link [{'adapter_package': 'peft', 'adapter_method': 'p-tuning', 'encoder_reparameterization_type': 'MLP', 'encoder_dropout': 0.1, 'num_virtual_tokens': 20}]
Prompt Tuning Link [{'adapter_package': 'peft', 'adapter_method': 'prompt', 'prompt_tuning_init': 'RANDOM', 'num_virtual_tokens': 20}]

Federate fine-tune closed-source LLMs

We support federated fine-tuning not only for open-source LLMs, but also for closed-source LLMs. In this scenario, clients can fine-tune LLMs without fully accessing the model, where models and data are both considered as privacy.

Methods Source How to enable Note
Offsite-Tuning Link llm.offsite_tuning.use=True -

For example, the following methods are supported:

Methods Source How to use Note
Drop layers Link llm.offsite_tuning.emu_l=2
The server fixes the first two layers and the layers after 30th layer as the adapter, and uniformly drops 20% of the remaining layers, denoted as the emulator
Model distill Link llm.offsite_tuning.emu_align.use=True
The server fixes the first two layers and the layers after 30th layer as the adapter, and regards the remaining as the teacher model, and distills a student model as the emulator

More methods will be supported ASAP.

Evaluation of fine-tuned closed-source LLMs

To evaluate fine-tuned closed-source LLMs, one should decide whether to evaluate the original model with fine-tuned adapters or the emulator with fine-tuned adapters.

Methods Source How to use note
Evaluation of fine-tuned closed-source LLMs Link cfg.llm.offsite_tuning.eval_type='full' (or 'emu') 'full' means evaluating the original model with fine-tuned adapters; 'emu' means evaluating the emulator with fine-tuned adapters

Federate fine-tune with efficiency

To make the federated fine-tuning efficient, we adopt a series of acceleration operators.

Methods Source How to use Note
torch.nn.DataParallel Link cfg.train.data_para_dids=[0,1] It splits the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch dimension.
DeepSpeed Link cfg.llm.accelation.use=True Use nvcc - V to make sure CUDA installed.
When set it to True, we can full-parameter fine-tune a llama-7b on a machine with 4 V100-32G gpus.
FP16 Link train.is_enable_half=True Converting float types to half-precision to save memory usage
Share local model - federate.share_local_model=True The clients will share the base model, which reduces a lot of cpu memory consumption.
Move to cpu - llm.adapter.mv_to_cpu=True Move adapter to cpu after training, which can save memory but cost more time.


  • WARNING: Skip the batch due to the loss is NaN, it may be caused by exceeding the precision or invalid labels.
    • Possible reason 1: This is because llm.tok_len limits the input length, causing the label to be empty, which automatically skips that data. Setting a larger llm.tok_len can avoid this.
    • Possible reason 2: Due to the enabling of train.is_enable_half, numerical overflow may occur. This usually happens when setting the optimizer.type to Adam, since the default eps is 1e-8 but fp16 requires at least 1e-5.
  • ValueError: Tokenizer class LLaMATokenizer does not exist or is not currently imported.
    • This is a problem with transformers, you can fix it in your local file. Replace LLaMATokenizer with LlamaTokenizer in PATH_TO_DATA_ROOT/MODEL_REPO/snapshots/..../tokenizer_config.json
  • OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory.
    • Torch's garbage collection mechanism may not be timely resulting in OOM, please set cfg.eval.count_flops to False.


If you find FedBiOT useful for your research or development, please cite the following papers:

  author = {Wu, Feijie and Li, Zitao and Li, Yaliang and Ding, Bolin and Gao, Jing},
  title = {FedBiOT: LLM Local Fine-tuning in Federated Learning without Full Model},
  year = {2024},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
  pages = {3345–3355}

  author = {Kuang, Weirui and Qian, Bingchen and Li, Zitao and Chen, Daoyuan and Gao, Dawei and Pan, Xuchen and Xie, Yuexiang and Li, Yaliang and Ding, Bolin and Zhou, Jingren},
  title = {FederatedScope-LLM: A Comprehensive Package for Fine-tuning Large Language Models in Federated Learning},
  year = {2024},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining},
  pages = {5260–5271}