
Empirical Power Analysis of a Statistical Test to Quantify Gerrymandering

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Empirical Power Analysis of a Statistical Test to Quantify Gerrymandering

Work by Ranthony A. Clark, Susan Glenn, Harlin Lee, and Soledad Villar.

We generate biased MCMC chains using hill climbing1 and short burst2, then run an emprirical power analysis of the outlier test in Theorem 3.1 (Chikina, Frieze, Mattingly & Pegden)3.

Data is from https://github.com/mggg-states/NC-shapefiles.

Power analysis

The R script power_analysis.R analyzes the summary file df_power_total.csv and produces figures in plots/power_analysis.

Generating biased ensembles


module load python/3.11.6
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install gerrychain
pip install shapely==2.0.1 # this line might not be necessary but untested.
pip install -r 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mggg/GerryChain/main/docs/requirements.txt'
pip install descartes
pip list


This code relies heavily on consistent naming of the chain files.

  1. Making unbiased and biased chains

    • make_unbiased_chains.sh runs make_unbiased_chain.py.
      • Saves unbiased_chains/{state}/unbiased_{election}_{n}.pkl.
    • make_hill_chains.sh runs make_hill_chains.py.
      • Saves chain data in biased_chains/{state}/hill_{election}_{party}_{bias}_{n}_{id}.pkl. id comes from current time.
      • Saves bias metric values in biased_chains/{state}/hill_{election}_{party}_{bias}_{n}_{id}_lines.pdf.
    • make_shorburst_chains.sh runs make_shortburst_chain.py.
      • Files saved are the same as hill climbing, except they start with shortburst instead of hill.
  2. For a given state, calcualte metrics and generate figures for all chains

    • calculate_metrics.sh runs calculate_metrics.py and make_hists.py.
    • Calculated metrics are saved in biased_chains/{state}/hill_{election}_{party}_{bias}_{n}_{id}-metrics.pkl or biased_chains/{state}/hill_{election}_{party}_{bias}_{n}_{id}-{the other party}-metrics.pkl.
    • Plot of metrics are in biased_chains/{state}/hill_{election}_{party}_{bias}_{n}_{id}-plot.pdf.
    • Histograms, correlation heatmaps and scatter plots are in biased_chains/{state}/{folder}/{metric biased towards}/{shortburst}-{metric used to compare histograms}.pdf, biased_chains/{state}/{folder}/{party}-correlation.pdf and biased_chains/{state}/{folder}/scatter.pdf.
  3. Run multiple trajectories for hypothesis test

    • run_hp_from_scratch.sh runs run_hp_from_scratch.py.
    • Sample 100 maps from the chain in fn (an output of first step), then save the results in hp/{fn}_{map_idx}_{id}.pkl. Each of this file contains m trajectories.
  4. Read results from multiple trajectories and perform hypothesis test

    • read_hp_results.sh runs read_hp_results.py.
    • Read the trajectories saved from the earlier step and save results in {fn}_{ep}_{alpha}.csv. Aggregate these csv files (code not provided) to get df_power_total.csv in the power analysis section.

Common parameters

Parameter Explanation Examples
state State name NC, PA, etc 4
election Election name PRES16, PRES12, SEN10, etc 4
n Number of steps in MCMC chain 50000, 10000
bias Bias metric mean_median, efficiency_gap, partisan_bias, partisan_gini, safe_seats
party Party to favor Republican or Democratic
diversity Collect diversity statistics 5 0 or 1
s Plot only 1 out of every s numbers for readability 6 50

Hypothesis test parameters

Shows up in run_hp_from_scratch.py and read_hp_results.py.

Parameter Explanation Examples
e Epsilon for hypothesis test 0.0005
a Alpha for hypothesis test 0.05
m Number of trajectories 32
k Number of steps in MCMC chain 100000
proposal MCMC chain generation method recom (reversible), random (flipnode), chunk (chunk flip) 7
map Which maps to investigate random (randomly select from chain), max (map with max value), min
fn File name See below

Notes on run_hp_from_scratch.py:

  • Where do we control parameter 100, i.e. how many maps to sample from a given chain? In the header of run_hp_from_scratch.sh, there's a slurm parameter #SBATCH --array=1-100%50. This means run 100 of the same script in parallel but no more than 50 at a time8.
  • fn should be the path to where the (un)biased chain is. For example, biased_chains/NC/shortburst_PRES16_Republican_partisan_gini_10000_1719440281.pkl or unbiased_chains/NC/unbiased_PRES16_50000.pkl.

Notes on read_hp_results.py:

  • Note that e and a can take in multiple values separated by comma. For example, --e 0.015,0.01,0.005,0.003,0.001,0.0005 --a 0.05.
  • fn should be the filename for trajectories from run_hp_from_scratch.py. It can be a single pkl file, regex that matches multiple files, or a folder name. For example, * in hp/biased_chains/NC/shortburst_PRES12_Republican_mean_median*.pkl is a wildcard and can take any value. This should match 100 filenames.


  1. Duchin, M., Needham, T., Weighill, T. (2022). The (homological) persistence of gerrymandering. Foundations of Data Science, 2022, 4(4): 581-622. doi: 10.3934/fods.2021007

  2. Cannon, S., Goldbloom-Helzner, A., Gupta, V. et al. (2023). Voting Rights, Markov Chains, and Optimization by Short Bursts. Methodol Comput Appl Probab 25, 36. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11009-023-09994-1

  3. Chikina, M., Frieze, A., Mattingly, J. C., & Pegden, W. (2020). Separating Effect From Significance in Markov Chain Tests. Statistics and Public Policy, 7(1), 101–114. https://doi.org/10.1080/2330443X.2020.1806763

  4. See get_elections function in utils.py for options. 2

  5. https://gerrychain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/#gerrychain.meta.diversity.collect_diversity_stats

  6. Only used for scatter plots.

  7. https://gerrychain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/#module-gerrychain.proposals

  8. https://slurm.schedmd.com/job_array.html