
MongoMart is an ecommerce site, using MongoDB database, that allows the user to browse and purchase products

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status



MongoMart is the final lab project in M101JS mongodb for javascript course provided by MongoDB.
MongoMart is an ecommerce site that allows the user to browse for and add MongoDB products to their cart.
There is no user session at the moment, so the user id is hard coded.


  • Node.js (with npm)
  • MongoDB 3.2.x, using the WiredTiger (default for 3.2) storage engine

Getting Started

First install required npm depedencies by running

npm install

Import the item collection and cart collection from M101js final lab handout

mongoimport -d mongomart -c item --maintainInsertionOrder data/items.json
mongoimport -d mongomart -c cart --maintainInsertionOrder data/cart.json

Run the application by typing "node mongomart.js" in the mongomart directory.