
Wildfly 13 demo

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Wildfly13-ansible Demo

This is a demo on setting up apache virtual with ssl termination that proxy passes to a wildfly app. The environment has been setup using Ansible.

The following things have been added

Wildfly 13

  • Configure for EE8
  • Set logger for custom package
  • Create an admin account
  • Add a truststore


  • Cannot edit standalone.xml by hand. Everything MUST be done via CLI

Hello world app

A simple hello world app is deployed that does basic logging to show that it works.


Add the following to host entries: vagrant.wildfly.fun.dis.nz web.vagrant.wildfly.fun.dis.nz app.vagrant.wildfly.fun.dis.nz

Run vagrant up from platform directory


Add myCa.key certificate to your trusted root.


Run mvn clean install -Pdeploy from build/app directory to build and deploy a test app to the vagrant.

Go to: https://web.vagrant.wildfly.fun.dis.nz/app to verify it works!