(Click on the images to see them in action)
HKRadialMenu contains:
- An animated menu with an interactive central view that expands other peripherical interactive views.
- A button that expands other sub-buttons when pushed (à la Prismatic App).
- Use CocoaPods by adding pod 'HKRadialMenu' in your Podfile.
- Manually:
- Clone this repository
- Copy HKRadialMenuView, HKRadialMenuViewController, HKRadialMenuItemView, HKRadialMenuButton, HKRadialGestureRecognizer and UIView+Resizing files (.h and .m) into your project.
- Implement a subclass of "HKRadialMenuViewController" and override the HKRadialMenuViewDataSource and HKRadialMenuViewDelegate protocol methods that you want to customize.
- HKRadialMenuButton is a just a UIControl
Just like a UITableView, you need to provide a data source and a delegate to HKRadialMenuView
Data source:
- - (NSUInteger)numberOfItemsInRadialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView: returns the number of items (excluding the central one);
- - (HKRadialMenuItemView *)centerItemViewForRadialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView: returns the HKRadialMenuItemView (or subclass) that will be used as the central interactive view;
- - (HKRadialMenuItemView *)itemViewInRadialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView atIndex:(NSUInteger)index: returns the peripherical view that will be shown at the specified index.
- - (BOOL)rotateItemInRadialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView atIndex:(NSUInteger)index: if YES, the view will be viewed with its original rotation (very useful when using labels);
- - (CGFloat)distanceForItemInRadialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView atIndex:(NSUInteger)index: returns the radius at which the item will be placed;
- - (void)radialMenuView:(HKRadialMenuView *)radialMenuView didSelectItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index: called when the user touches an item (except the central one).
Other customizations are available on HKRadialMenuView (also accessible through [HKRadialMenuView appearance]):
- animationDuration: the duration of the expansion animation (in seconds);
- delayBetweenAnimations: the delay between each expansion (in seconds);
- angleRange: the range covered by the peripherical items (default to 0 - 2PI which forms a complete circle).
HKRadialMenuButton is and works like a UIControl. To know what is happening with it just use UIControl's addTarget:action:forControlEvents: method with UIControlEventValueChanged. The best way to initialize HKRadialMenuButton is with initWithFrame:andCenterView:andOtherViews:andAngles:.
Read-only properties:
- backgroundView: The background view, use it to customize the control's background.
- contentView: The view that contains all the user-provided subviews.
- isExpanded: indicates whether the radial views are expanded or not.
- selectedIndex: this is the most important property, it indicates the index of the subview that provoked the UIControlEventValueChanged event. Can also be HKRadialMenuButtonCenterIndex (-1) which is the main (and always visible) view.
Appearance properties (also accessible through [HKRadialMenuButton appearance]):
- expansionDelay: time (in seconds) before the peripherical buttons start showing. Default value is 0.5.
- autoRotate: if YES, the view will be viewed with its original rotation (very useful when using labels). Default value is YES.
- animationDuration: the duration of the expansion animation. The selection (grow and fade) animation is (animationDuration / 2). Default value is 0.5.
- magnetismRatio: When a radial view becomes the active (and selectable) one, it moves slightly towards the center view at (magnetismRatio * distanceBetweenTheViews). Default value is 0.95.
HKRadialMenuButton can also have a delegate (with the HKRadialMenuButtonDelegate protocol):
- radialMenuButton:highlightedView:atIndex: : is called when a view becomes the active one.
- radialMenuButton:unhighlightedView:atIndex: : is called when a view loses its active state.