
Test task for JetBrains internship: application on Kotlin, that renders simple traffic lights figure.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Test task

Traffic lights app

How to run the app

The app is build with gradle. To run the app, go to the project directory and execute ./gradlew run.

Why I chose the current library

The application uses TornadoFX library. At first glance this is just wrapper around JavaFX for Kotlin. But there is really more cool stuff if you go deeper!

Personally I liked so much, how expressive the syntax of this library. It is really easy to understand. Also, it uses so much Kotlin-specific features, so I got the impression, that you even can learn Kotlin, using this library.

Just take a look, how it used the cumbersome JavaFX builders and converted it to elegant expressive syntax like

stackpane {
    recatngle {
        width = 180.0

    circle {
        radius = 60.0

It has very smooth leaning curve and yet it is at least as powerful as JavaFX.

So I decided to use this library – it is very cool 👍.
