Code of Liu, Bingde, et al. "Motion robust high-speed light-weighted object detection with event camera." IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2023).

Primary LanguagePython

1. Setup

git clone https://github.com/HarmoniaLeo/FRLW-EvD
conda create --name FRLW-EvD --file requirements.txt
conda active FRLW-EvD

2. Dataset Download

  1. Go to the 1 MEGAPIXEL Event Based Dataset and Prophesee GEN1 Automotive DetectionDataset to download the datasets.

  2. Unzip the files to get the directory in the following form:

    # 1 MEGAPIXEL Dataset
    ├── root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset
    │   ├── Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset
    │   │   ├── train
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   ├── val
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   ├── test
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │   │   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │   │   │   └── ...
    # GEN1 Dataset
    ├── root_for_GEN1_Dataset
    │   ├── ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset
    │   │	├── detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0
    │   │	│   ├── train
    │   │   │	│	├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │	│	│   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │	│	│   │	└── ...
    │   │	│   ├── val
    │   │   │	│	├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │	│	│   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │	│	│   │	└── ...
    │   │	│   ├── test
    │   │   │	│	├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_td.dat
    │	│	│   │   ├── EVENT_STREAM_NAME_bbox.npy
    │	│	│   │	└── ...

3. Dataset Sampling (for 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset)

python sampling_dataset.py -raw_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset -target_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling

4. Preprocess

4.1 Generate Event Representation

#Generating Event Representation for 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
python PREPROCESS_FOOTAGE -raw_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling -label_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling -target_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed -dataset gen4

#Generating Event Representation for GEN1 Dataset
python PREPROCESS_FOOTAGE -raw_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 -label_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 -target_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed -dataset gen1
PREPROCESS_FOOTAGE Event Representation
generate_eventcountimage.py Event Count Image
generate_surfaceofactiveevents.py Surface of Active Events
generate_eventvolume.py Event Volume
generate_taf.py Temporal Active Focus

4.2 Motion Level Statistics

# Motion Level Statistics on 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
python motion_level_statistics_gt.py -raw_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling -dataset gen4

# Motion Level Statistics on GEN1 Dataset
python motion_level_statistics_gt.py -raw_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 -dataset gen1

5. Reproduce Results

The evaluation part of code is adopted from Prophesee Automotive Dataset Toolbox.

5.1 Evaluation

  1. Download checkpoints from Google Drive.
  2. Unzip it under the folder "FRLW-EvD".
  3. Generate optical flow estimations.
    python generate_opticalflow.py -raw_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 --dataset gen1
    python generate_opticalflow.py -raw_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling --dataset gen4
  4.  # Evaluation on 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0", python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1403 --nproc_per_node 1 test.py --record True --bbox_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling --dataset gen4 --resume_exp EXP_NAME --exp_type EXP_TYPE --event_volume_bins EVENT_VOLUME_BINS  --data_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed/DATA_DIR 
     # Evaluation on GEN1 Dataset
     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0", python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1403 --nproc_per_node 1 test.py --record True --bbox_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 --dataset gen1 --resume_exp EXP_NAME --exp_type EXP_TYPE --event_volume_bins EVENT_VOLUME_BINS  --data_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed/DATA_DIR 
    Dataset Model Event Representation Notes EXP_NAME EXP_TYPE EVENT_VOLUME_BINS DATA_DIR
    GEN1 AED TAF $K=8$ AED_TAF_K8_GEN1 taf 8 taf
    GEN1 AED TAF $K=4$ AED_TAF_K4_GEN1 taf 4 taf
    GEN1 AED TAF+BFM $K=8$ AED_TAF_BFM_K4_GEN1 taf_bfm 8 taf
    GEN1 AED TAF+BFM $K=4$ AED_TAF_BFM_K8_GEN1 taf_bfm 4 taf
    GEN1 YOLOX Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$; No Data Augmentation Baseline_GEN1 yolox 5 EventVolume250000
    GEN1 YOLOX Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ YOLOX_EventVolume_Tau50000_GEN1 yolox 5 EventVolume250000
    GEN1 YOLOX TAF+BFM $K=4$ YOLOX_TAF_BFM_K4_GEN1 yolox_taf_bfm 4 taf
    GEN1 YOLOv3 TAF+BFM $K=4$ YOLOv3_TAF_BFM_K4_GEN1 yolov3_taf_bfm 4 taf
    GEN1 AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau50000_GEN1 basic 5 EventVolume250000
    GEN1 AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=100ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau100000_GEN1 basic 5 EventVolume500000
    GEN1 AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=200ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau200000_GEN1 basic 5 EventVolume1000000
    GEN1 AED Event Count Image $N=5\times 10^4$ AED_EventCountImage_N50000_GEN1 basic 2 EventCountImage50000
    GEN1 AED Event Count Image $N=1\times10^5$ AED_EventCountImage_N100000_GEN1 basic 2 EventCountImage100000
    GEN1 AED Event Count Image $N=2\times10^5$ AED_EventCountImage_N200000_GEN1 basic 2 EventCountImage200000
    GEN1 AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-5}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.00001_GEN1 basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.00001
    GEN1 AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=2.5\times10^{-6}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.0000025_GEN1 basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.0000025
    GEN1 AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-6}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.000001_GEN1 basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.000001
    1MEGAPIXEL YOLOX Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$; No Data Augmentation Baseline_1MEGAPIXEL yolox 5 EventVolume250000
    1MEGAPIXEL YOLOX Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ YOLOX_EventVolume_Tau50000_1MEGAPIXEL yolox 5 EventVolume250000
    1MEGAPIXEL YOLOv3 Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ YOLOv3_EventVolume_Tau50000_1MEGAPIXEL yolov3 5 EventVolume250000
    1MEGAPIXEL YOLOv3 TAF+BFM $K=4$ YOLOv3_TAF_BFM_K4_1MEGAPIXEL yolov3_taf_bfm 4 taf
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau50000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 5 EventVolume250000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=100ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau100000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 5 EventVolume500000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Volume $\Delta\tau=200ms$ AED_EventVolume_Tau200000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 5 EventVolume1000000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Count Image $N=4\times 10^5$ AED_EventCountImage_N400000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 EventCountImage400000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Count Image $N=8\times10^5$ AED_EventCountImage_N800000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 EventCountImage800000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Event Count Image $N=1.2\times10^6$ AED_EventCountImage_N1200000_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 EventCountImage1200000
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-5}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.00001_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.00001
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=2.5\times10^{-6}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.0000025_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.0000025
    1MEGAPIXEL AED Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-6}$ AED_SurfaceOfActiveEvents_lambda0.000001_1MEGAPIXEL basic 2 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.000001

5.2 Motion Level Evaluation

# Evaluation on 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
python motion_level_statistics_dt.py -raw_dir root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling -dataset gen4 -exp_name EXP_NAME
python motion_level_evaluation.py -dataset gen4 -exp_name EXP_NAME

# Evaluation on GEN1 Dataset
python motion_level_statistics_dt.py -raw_dir root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 -dataset gen1 -exp_name EXP_NAME
python motion_level_evaluation.py -dataset gen1 -exp_name EXP_NAME

6. Training from Scratch

# Training on 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0", python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1403 --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --bbox_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling --dataset gen4 --batch_size 16 --augmentation True --exp_name EXP_NAME --exp_type EXP_TYPE --event_volume_bins EVENT_VOLUME_BINS  --data_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed/DATA_DIR --nodes 1

# Training on GEN1 Dataset
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0", python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 1403 --nproc_per_node 1 train.py --bbox_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 --dataset gen1 --batch_size 30 --augmentation True --exp_name EXP_NAME --exp_type EXP_TYPE --event_volume_bins EVENT_VOLUME_BINS  --data_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed/DATA_DIR --nodes 1
  • Resume training: Change "--exp_name EXP_NAME" to" --resume_exp EXP_NAME"
  • Distribute training (4 GPUs for example):
    1. Change "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0"" to "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="0,1,2,3""
    2. Change "--nproc_per_node 1" to "--nproc_per_node 4"
    3. Change "--nodes 1" to "--nodes 4"

7. Visualization

# Visualization on 1MEGAPIXEL Dataset(Subset)
python visualization.py -item EVENT_STREAM_NAME -end ANNOTATION_TIMESTAMP -volume_bins VOLUME_BINS -ecd DATA_DIR -bbox_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_sampling -data_path root_for_1MEGAPIXEL_Dataset(Subset)/Large_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed -result_path log/EXP_NAME/summarise.npz -datatype DATA_TYPE -suffix DATADIR -dataset gen4

# Visualization on GEN1 Dataset
python visualization.py -item EVENT_STREAM_NAME -end ANNOTATION_TIMESTAMP -volume_bins VOLUME_BINS -ecd DATA_DIR -bbox_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset/detection_dataset_duration_60s_ratio_1.0 -data_path root_for_GEN1_Dataset/ATIS_Automotive_Detection_Dataset_processed/DATA_DIR -result_path log/EXP_NAME/summarise.npz -datatype DATA_TYPE -suffix DATADIR -dataset gen1
Event Representation Notes DATA_TYPE VOLUME_BINS DATA_DIR
Event Count Image $N = 5\times10^4$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage50000
Event Count Image $N = 1\times10^5$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage100000
Event Count Image $N = 2\times10^5$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage200000
Event Count Image $N = 4\times10^5$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage400000
Event Count Image $N = 8\times10^5$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage800000
Event Count Image $N = 1.2\times10^6$ EventCountImage 1 EventCountImage1200000
Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-5}$ SurfaceOfActiveEvent 1 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.00001
Surface of Active Events $\lambda=2.5\times10^{-6}$ SurfaceOfActiveEvent 1 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.0000025
Surface of Active Events $\lambda=1\times10^{-6}$ SurfaceOfActiveEvent 1 SurfaceOfActiveEvents0.000001
Event Volume $\Delta\tau=50ms$ EventVolume 5 EventVolume250000
Event Volume $\Delta\tau=100ms$ EventVolume 5 EventVolume500000
Event Volume $\Delta\tau=200ms$ EventVolume 5 EventVolume1000000
Temporal Active Focus $K=4$ TAF 4 taf
Temporal Active Focus $K=8$ TAF 8 taf
  • Visulize without the detection result: Do not set the parameter "-result_path"
  • The visualization result will be output to "visualization/item_end_suffix_datatype.png" (without the detection result) or "visualization/item_end_suffix_datatype_result.png" (with the detection result)

8. Citation

  title={Motion robust high-speed light-weighted object detection with event camera},
  author={Liu, Bingde and Xu, Chang and Yang, Wen and Yu, Huai and Yu, Lei},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement},