
Epitech Go introduction project.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is a Golang project, therefore you'll need Go installed on your system.


Giving a file that describes a warehouse with packages, forklifts and trucks inside it, the program will have to optimise the distribution of packages to trucks using the forklifts.

To achieve that, Gotrans uses a pathfinding algorithm that orchestrate the movements of forklifts around the map.


In order to build the project, you must have gcc and OpenGL libraries installed on your device.

You can build the project with go build.


You can run the project after build with the gotrans executable.

$> gotrans <file>

Gotrans setup file

The file passed to gotrans executable describes the warehouse and its entities.

It is formatted as follows:

First line: Warehouse length, height and the number of execution cycles. X next lines: Package name, X and Y position and color (yellow = 100Kg, green = 200Kg, blue = 500Kg). Y next lines: Forklift name and X and Y position. Z next lines: Truck name, X and Y position, max weight and cycle and cooldown after loading.


5 5 1000 -- Warehouse length, height and the number of execution cycles. 
colis_a_livrer 2 1 green -- Package name, X and Y position and color.
paquet 2 2 BLUE
deadpool 0 3 yellow
colère_DU_dragon 4 1 green
transpalette_1 0 0 -- Forklift name and X and Y position.
camion_b 3 4 4000 5 -- Truck name, X and Y position, max weight and cycle and cooldown after loading.

Repository design

The sources are organised through 2 packages, the main package, gotrans, located at the root of the directory, and its internal package warehouse.

The role of the gotrans package is to manage the communication with the user it contains the entry point of the program in the gotrans.go file.

There's also the parse_input_file.go file, whose role is to handle the parsing of the input file given by the users inputs, the show_warehouse.go that contains everything needed to print the warehouse on the terminal and graphical.go that contains the functions needed to run the graphical UI.

In the warehouse package, the warehouse.go file contains the description of the Warehouse and the functions to modify its data. The event.go file describes all the events occurring during the warehouse cleaning execution cycles. Finally, the al.go file contains the pathfinding algorithm used in the cleaning warehouse process.

Pathfinding strategy

For each forklift, the algorithm finds the quickest path to go to every package in the warehouse, if the forklift finds a shorter path than another, its path is chosen, otherwise the package is removed from the forklift's targets and another package is selected.

Once the forklift arrives by the package it picks it up and searches the quickest path to the truck. When the forklift arrives by the truck it loads its package in the truck, if possible, otherwise it waits.

Once the package has been delivered the forklift goes to another targets if there is one.