React Notes

JS library created by Facebook - used by instagram and Netflix Used to create JS driven dynamic web pages

Creating a react app:

	npx create-react-app my-app
	cd my-app
	npm start

What is App function?


Componenet in react has two jobs:

  • They produce jsx
  • They also handle user events; such as user typing into a text input or clicking on a button


  • Set of instructions that tells react what we want to show on the screen
  • Jsx elements are created to tell the React to create normal HTML element (like, div, span, h1, table, etc.)
  • To Tell React to show another component (created by user)

process flow of jsx


  • When ever a Jsx is rendered, react is going to iterate over each element inside that block of jsx
  • For every element it going to ask a question, Is this a DOM element?
  • if yes; then show div on the screen to user
  • if no it is a component; then call the component function and inspect all jsx we get back

How index.js renders App component?


What's the difference between React and ReactDOM?

  • React has some bunch of code inside of it that knows how to work with components

  • Like how to call a component function, get back jsx

  • React library is refered to as 'reconciler'

  • ReactDOM has bunch of code that knows how to take instructions on what we want to show and turns it into HTML

  • Also Known as 'renderer'

What is useState?

  • It is a function for working with react's state system.
  • State is used to keep track of data that changes over time.
  • Used to make React update the HTML on screen.
  • State: . JavaScript Object . Describes current state of component (data/UI-state) . State of component can be updated over time
E.g; Shopping Cart Component 
	items: [
		{name: ’navy jumper’, price:9.99},
		{name: ’ninja mask’, price:20.00},
If something is added in the cart then the state need to be updated
	items: [
		{name: ’navy jumper’, price:9.99},
		{name: ’ninja mask’, price:20.00},
		{name: ’black cloak’, price:15.00},

E.g; Popup Component
	showpopup: true
	showpopup: false

How react works?

we create components in our project for different part of application For e.g, we have different components for navbar, search box and footer. So it is react job to inject these components into DOM Question is how it does this?

  • It takes in all the components and create a javascript representation of the DOM known as virtual DOM.
  • Then it takes that virtual DOM and it actually renders it to the browser and creates the Actual DOM.
  • The idea here is that anytime there is a change in a component the virtual dom helps to change the actual DOM in quite fast and efficient manner.
  • For e.g there is a change in state of searchbox, then react create a new virtual DOM for that component.
  • Then it compares it to the old one, and is able to change the actual DOM easily as it knows where the change has to be made.


  • ES5 is supported by all browsers
  • Greater than ES5 are not really supported by browsers
  • So it is React responsibility to convert the greater version to ES5 using babel
  • babel works automatically when we create react app using npx

Difference between import and require

  • import - refers to module system ES2015

  • module system is set of rules that define how code can be shared between js files

  • CommonJS module is different set of rules that also governs how code can be shared between js files

  • In case of commonJS module we use 'require' statement as import stat



Displaying content into functional component!


