
A very lengthy project of all completed labs. To test our skills as programmers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

How it felt writing this up

Let's get started!!

WARNING: This repo is a work-in-progress..

But feel free to enjoy the bugs. Report them if you experience any.

Prep setup

Getting started ..

The same as we have been doing all along.

  1. Fork and clone this repository.

  2. Navigate to the cloned repository's directory on your command line. Then, run the following command:

    npm install

    This will install the libraries needed to run the tests.

  3. Open up the repository in VSCode or whichever text-editor you feel more comfortable with. Maybe even vim or emacs. ^_^


Since I'm no expert the testing is a little bit different with this repo. If you are working on 01-map.js you should run the following:

npm test 01-map.test.js

If you are working on 02-filter.js you should run:

npm test 02-filter.test.js

and so on...

Solve the functions however you want, but use the functions that are needed in each test.