
Create a K-means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Customer Segmentation using K-Means

This project is part of the Prodigy Infotech Machine Learning Internship, focusing on creating a K-means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history.


Problem Statement

The task involves implementing a K-means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history. The dataset used for this project can be accessed via the following Kaggle link: Dataset Link

Implementation Details

Libraries Used

  • numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn: Data manipulation and visualization
  • OneHotEncoder and StandardScaler from sklearn: Data preprocessing
  • KMeans from sklearn.cluster: K-means clustering algorithm
  • PCA from sklearn.decomposition: Dimensionality reduction
  • silhouette_score from sklearn.metrics: Evaluation metric for clustering


  • Data Loading: Loaded the customer dataset from Kaggle.
  • Data Preprocessing and Visualization: Checked for missing values, performed one-hot encoding for categorical features, scaled numerical features, and visualized the data using pair plots.
  • Clustering using K-Means Algorithm:
    • Utilized PCA for dimensionality reduction.
    • Determined the optimal number of clusters using the elbow method and knee locator.
    • Conducted K-means clustering using all features and evaluated the clusters' silhouette coefficient.
    • Used 2 features (Annual Income and Spending Score) for clustering and validated the results.


The project successfully implemented K-means clustering to group customers based on their purchase behavior. Visualizations, elbow method, and silhouette coefficient were used for cluster evaluation.


To run this code locally, follow these steps:

  1. Download the dataset from Kaggle.
  2. Set up the Jupyter Notebook environment or Python with necessary libraries.
  3. Execute the code cells in the provided Mall_Customer_Segmentation.ipynb file.


  • Kaggle for hosting the dataset used in this project.

Feel free to explore the code and dataset further for insights and improvements!