
This component allows for dynamically returning and setting of an instance's status based on a record in the database. This can be used by external systems to know the availability of a specific node. The status of the node can be set to 200 via POST or 404 via DELETE.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This component allows for dynamically returning and setting of an instance's status based on a record in the database. This can be used by external systems to know the availability of a specific node. The status of the node can be set to 200 via POST or 404 via DELETE.

NOTE: Replication for the data.hdb_status table should NOT be established. If the data replicates then all other nodes would be unintentionally set to offline/online.


This component exposes a route named status, to interface with the route the are 3 HTTP methods:


This method is unauthenticated and returns the current status and message.

Sample curl:

curl --location 'https://harperdbinstance.com:9926/status'


This method is used to set the status of the node to 200. This method is authenticated and the user must either be a superuser or have write permissions to the table data.hdb_status.

Sample curl:

curl --location --request POST 'https://harperdbinstance.com:9926/status' --header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX'


This method is used to set the status of the node to 404. This method is authenticated and the user must either be a superuser or have write permissions to the table data.hdb_status.

Sample curl:

curl --location --request DELETE 'https://harperdbinstance.com:9926/status' --header 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXX'