
Spring Cloud tutorial about hystrix,eureka,config,admin,skywalking

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This project focuses on the demo projects of various Spring Cloud modules. Each module offers specific functionalities and services that assist developers in building distributed systems.

  1. Project Objective: The goal is to write and organize bilingual (Chinese and English) documentation for each Spring Cloud module to help developers better understand and utilize these modules.

  2. Scope of Modules: The project covers a wide range of Spring Cloud modules, including but not limited to Hystrix, Eureka, Config, Gateway, Netflix, Consul, and Kubernetes. These modules provide essential functionalities in microservices architecture, such as service discovery, configuration management, circuit breaker patterns, and API gateways.

  3. Documentation Status: Currently, the documentation status for all modules is marked as "todo," indicating that the documentation is yet to be completed or needs further development.

  4. Multilingual Support: The project aims to offer documentation in both Chinese and English to cater to the needs of users from different linguistic backgrounds, enhancing accessibility and usability.

  5. Technology Stack: The project is based on the Spring Cloud ecosystem and may involve integration with other cloud service providers (such as AWS, Azure, GCP) and open-source tools (like Kubernetes, Zookeeper).

  6. Project Challenges: Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the documentation is crucial, along with maintaining consistency between the Chinese and English versions. Additionally, the documentation needs to be updated regularly to reflect the latest changes and best practices in the modules.

  7. Expected Outcomes: Upon completion, the project will provide developers with a comprehensive and easy-to-understand set of documentation resources, enabling them to use Spring Cloud more effectively in building and managing microservices architectures.

Through this project, the team aims to enhance the quality of Spring Cloud module documentation and promote its usage and adoption within the developer community.


Serial number Module name Module description docs status
1 hystrix Spring Cloud hystrix CN / EN done
2 eureka Spring Cloud eureka CN / EN done
3 config Spring Cloud config CN / EN done
4 Azure Spring Cloud Azure CN / EN todo
5 Alibaba Spring Cloud Alibaba CN / EN todo
6 Amazon Web Services Spring Cloud Amazon Web Services CN / EN todo
7 Bus Spring Cloud Bus CN / EN done
8 Circuit Breaker Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker CN / EN done
9 CLI SpringCloud CLI CN / EN todo
10 Cloud Foundry Service Broker Spring Cloud Cloud Foundry Service Broker CN / EN todo
11 Commons Spring Cloud Commons CN / EN todo
12 Consul Spring Cloud Consul CN / EN done
13 Contract Spring Cloud Contract CN / EN done
14 Function Spring Cloud Function CN / EN done
15 Gateway Spring Cloud Gateway CN / EN done
16 GCP Spring Cloud GCP CN / EN todo
17 Kubernetes Spring Cloud Kubernetes CN / EN todo
18 Netflix Spring Cloud Netflix CN / EN todo
19 Open Service Broker Spring Cloud Open Service Broker CN / EN todo
20 OpenFeign Spring Cloud OpenFeign CN / EN done
21 Security Spring Cloud Security CN / EN done
22 Skipper Spring Cloud Skipper CN / EN todo
23 Sleuth Spring Cloud Sleuth CN / EN done
24 Stream Spring Cloud Stream CN / EN done
25 Stream Applications Spring Cloud Stream Applications CN / EN done
26 Task Spring Cloud Task CN / EN done
27 Vault Spring Cloud Vault CN / EN done
28 Zookeeper Spring Cloud Zookeeper CN / EN done
29 App Broker Spring Cloud App Broker CN / EN todo
30 admin Spring Cloud App Admin CN / EN done
31 Data Flow Spring Cloud Data Flow CN / EN done
32 Consul Spring Cloud Consul implements election mechanism CN / EN done


MIT License

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