A toy ORM for golang. Currently only MySQL is supported.
go get github.com/HarrisonEagle/HawkORM
- Select
- ✅select all objects
- ✅select objects with conditions
- ✅select first
- ✅select last
- 🔄left join, inner join, outer join
- Insert
- ✅insert an object
- ✅batch insert
- 🔄insert with associations
- Update
- ✅update with conditions
- ✅batch update
- Delete
- ✅delete with conditions
- ✅delete an object
- ✅delete with multiple objects
- Transaction
- 🔄Comming soon...
For example, user data object defined like this:
type User struct {
ID string `hawkorm:"primarykey"`
Name string
Email string
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
// connect to db
// remember to add parseTime=true to parse time correctlt
testDB, err := HawkORM.OpenMySQL("user:pass@localhost:3306/databasename?parseTime=true")
if err != nil{
log.Fatalf("connect to db failed!")
// equal to: SELECT id, name, email, created_at, updated_at FROM users WHERE (id = "userId" OR name = "testname") ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1
var users []User
testDB.Select(&User{}).WhereOr(&User{ID: "userId", Name: "testname"}).First(&users)
insertTest := []User{
{ID: "userid1", Name: "user1", Email: "test@gmail.com"},
{ID: "userid2", Name: "user2", Email: "test2@gmail.com"},
// equal to: INSERT INTO users (id, name, email) VALUES ("userid1", "user1", "test@gmail.com"), ("userid2", "user2", "test2@gmail.com")
res, err := testDB.Insert(&User{}).SetData(insertTest).Exec()
// equal to: UPDATE users SET name = "rename" WHERE id = "testuserid3" AND email = "test@gmail.com"
_, err := testDB.Update(&User{}).Where(&User{ID: "testuserid3", Email: "test@gmail.com"}).SetData(User{Name: "rename"}).Exec()
// equal to: DELETE FROM users WHERE id = "testuserid4" AND email = "test@gmail.com"
_, err := testDB.Delete(&User{}).Where(&User{ID: "testuserid4", Email: "test@gmail.com"}).Exec()