National and State Parks Directory

National and State Parks Directory 1-22-2021

By Harrison Strand


Parks Client/Api Project

This project was designed to display and update national and state parks using a client side web application and local api with CRUD functionality. Users can view, add, update and delete national and state park entries using the client project server while simultaneously updating the parks api/database.

Model: NationalPark

  • Id
  • Name
  • Location
  • DateEstablished
  • Acres
  • YearlyVisitors
  • Description

Model: StatePark

  • Id
  • Name
  • State
  • Region
  • Camping
  • Description

Stretch Goals:

  • Tags
  • Authentication
  • Admin Abilities
  • Search by Property
  • Ranged Search

User Stories

ID User Story Accepted
US01 "As a user, I want to be able to display all National and State Parks by name." True
US02 "As a user, I want to be able to display a certain National Park or State Parks details." True
US03 "As a user, I want to be able to create National and State Park Entries (admin)." True
US04 "As a user, I want to be able to update and delete certain National and State Parks." True
US05 "As a user, I want to be able to search for a specific park by a specific property." True
US06 "As a user, I want to be able to display information with a different version of the project." True
US07 "As a user, I want to be able to display route information using swagger UI." True

Setup/Installation Requirements

Software Requirements
  1. Internet browser
  2. A code editor such as VSCode to view and edit the code
  3. .NET or follow along with the Installing .NET instructions to install .NET
Open Locally
  • Click on the link to the project repository: Project Repository
  • Click on the green "Code" button and copy the repository URL
  • Open your terminal and use the command git clone into the directory you would like to clone the repository
  • Open in preffered text editor to view code and make changes
Installing .NET

In order to run the application, please install .NET for your computer to recognize the dotnet command.

  1. Download .NET Core SDK (Software Development Kit). Clicking this link will prompt a file download for your particular OS from Microsoft.
  2. Open the file. Follow the installation steps.
  3. Confirm the installation is successful by opening your terminal and running the command dotnet --version. The response should be something similar to this:2.2.105. This means it was successfully installed.
Installing MySQL

MySQL is a type of database software used to create, edit, query, and manage SQL data.

  • For Mac Users please Click Here to download MySQL Installer

  • For Windows Users please Click Here

  • Verify MySQL installation by opening the terminal and entering the command mysql -uroot -p[THEPASSWORDYOUSELECTED]

  • If you gain access you will see see the MYSQL command line!

Installing MySQL Workbench
  • Please Click Here to install the correct version for your machine
  • Open MySQL Workbench and select Local instance 3306 server. You will need to enter the password you selected
  • Navigate to the Parks folder in the command line
  • Use the command dotnet build to compile Next:
  • Navigate to the ParksClient folder in the command line
  • Use the command dotnet build to compile
Installing Packages
  • Navigate to the Parks folder in the command line
  • Use the command dotnet restore Next:
  • Navigate to the ParksClient folder in the command line
  • Use the command dotnet restore

Expand for Database Installation

Database Connection

Create a connection string to connect the database to the web application

  1. Create a file in the root directory called appsettings.json
  2. Add the code below:
    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=harrison_strand;uid=root;pwd=YourPassword;"
  • Put in your MySQL password in pwd=YourPassword. Change the server, port, and uid if necessary.

Import Database Using Entity Framework Core

  1. Navigate to Parks directory in terminal
  2. Use the command dotnet ef database update to generate the database through Entity Framework Core

Update Database Using Entity Framework Core

  1. Write any new code you wish to add to the database. Use the command dotnet build to check for any compiling errors. If no errors, proceed to step 2.
  2. To update the database with any changes made to the code, use the command dotnet ef migrations add [MigrationsName]
  3. Use the command dotnet ef database update to update the database

Update Database Using MySQL Workbench

  1. Open MySQL Workbench
  2. Click on Server > Data Import in the top navigation bar
  3. Select Import from Self-Contained File
  4. Select the Default Target Schema or create new schema
  5. Select all Schema Objects you would like to import
  6. Select Dump Structure and Data
  7. Click Start Import

SQL Schema For Manual Entry

-- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 8.0.15, for macos10.14 (x86_64)
-- Host: localhost    Database: harrison_strand
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version	8.0.15

-- Table structure for table `__EFMigrationsHistory`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `__EFMigrationsHistory`;
 SET character_set_client = utf8mb4 ;
CREATE TABLE `__EFMigrationsHistory` (
  `MigrationId` varchar(95) NOT NULL,
  `ProductVersion` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`MigrationId`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;

-- Table structure for table `NationalParks`

 SET character_set_client = utf8mb4 ;
CREATE TABLE `NationalParks` (
  `Name` longtext,
  `Location` longtext,
  `DateEstablished` longtext,
  `Acres` longtext,
  `YearlyVisitors` longtext,
  `Description` longtext,

-- Table structure for table `StateParks`

 SET character_set_client = utf8mb4 ;
CREATE TABLE `StateParks` (
  `Name` longtext,
  `State` longtext,
  `Region` longtext,
  `Camping` longtext,
  `Description` longtext,

-- Dump completed on 2021-01-22 15:32:10

View In Browser

  • To have access to the browser or Postman routes, navigate to Parks folder in the command line
  • Use the command dotnet run to execute the compiled code and start http://localhost:5001
  • In a second command line window, navigate to ParksClient folder
  • Use the command dotnet run to execute the compiled code and start http://localhost:5000
  • Use command+leftclick to open the host in a browser, or copy/paste http://localhost:5000 into your browser URL

API Documentation

Explore the API endpoints in Postman or a browser. Download Postman

Using Swagger Documentation

  • To explore the Parks API with Swashbuckle, launch the project using dotnet run with the command line, and input the following URL into your browser: http://localhost:5001/swagger
  • To display raw json formatted api information, input the folling URL into your browser: http://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json

Once you navigate to the Swagger UI, you will have the ability to see displayed routes with cooresponding crud functionality. click on a specific route and follow the prompt to manipulate the database entries of the api.

Example Query

To search for a specific park entry use the following format in Postman or your browser:


To use default full list, don't include location and name or set them equal to zero. To use different versions of query, add api-version=[versionhere] after the ?. To search for state parks instead, replace nationalparksv2 with stateparksv2.



Base URL: https://localhost:5001

HTTP Request Structure

GET /api/{component}
POST /api/{component}
GET /api/{component}/{id}
PUT /api/{component}/{id}
DELETE /api/{component}/{id}

Example Query


Sample JSON Response

  Id = 5,
  Name = "Acadia",
  Location = "Maine",
  DateEstablished = "February 26, 1919",
  Acres = "49,076.63 acres",
  YearlyVisitors = "3,437,286",
  Description = "Covering most of Mount Desert Island and other coastal islands, Acadia features the tallest mountain on the Atlantic coast of the United States, granite peaks, ocean shoreline, woodlands, and lakes. There are freshwater, estuary, forest, and intertidal habitats."


National Parks

Access information on National Parks around the country.

HTTP Request

GET /api/nationalparksv2
POST /api/nationalparksv2
GET /api/nationalparksv2/{id}
PUT /api/nationalparksv2/{id}
DELETE /api/nationalparksv2/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Id int none false Return matches by park Id.
name string none false Return matches by park name.
location string none false Return matches by location in the United States
dateestablished string none false Return matches by the date the park was established.
acres string none false Return matches by number of acres for the park.
yearlyvisitors string none false Return matches by the number of yearly visitors.

Example Query


Sample JSON Response

  Id = 6,
  Name = "Voyageurs",
  Location = "Minnesota",
  DateEstablished = "April 8, 1975",
  Acres = "218,222.35 acres",
  YearlyVisitors = "232,974",
  Description = "This park protecting four lakes near the Canada–US border is a site for canoeing, kayaking, and fishing. The park also preserves a history populated by Ojibwe Native Americans, French fur traders called voyageurs, and gold miners. Formed by glaciers, the region features tall bluffs, rock gardens, islands, bays, and several historic buildings."


State Parks

Access information on State Parks around the country.

HTTP Request

GET /api/stateparksv2
POST /api/stateparksv2
GET /api/stateparksv2/{id}
PUT /api/stateparksv2/{id}
DELETE /api/stateparksv2/{id}

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Default Required Description
Id int none false Return matches by park Id.
name string none false Return matches by park name.
State string none false Return matches by State in the United States
Region string none false Return matches by the region of the State.
camping string none false Return matches by whether you can or cannot camp.

Example Query


Sample JSON Response

  Id = 2,
  Name = "Smith Rock State Park",
  State = "Oregon",
  Region = "Central Oregon",
  Camping = "Yes",
  Description = "Smith Rock State Park is a state park located in central Oregon's High Desert near the communities of Redmond and Terrebonne. The day-use area of the park is open daily from dawn to dusk. The park also has a camping area as well that accommodates tent camping only. Its sheer cliffs of tuff and basalt are ideal for rock climbing of all difficulty levels. Smith Rock is generally considered the birthplace of modern American sport climbing, and is host to cutting-edge climbing routes. It is popular for sport climbing, traditional climbing, multi-pitch climbing, and bouldering."

Known Bugs

No known bugs...

Support and Contact Details

If any errors or bugs occur with installation, delete both bin and obj folders and follow the Compiling and Installing Packages instructions again. Get help or report a bug you have found in the .NET platform at .NET Support. Or please email me,

Technologies Used

  • .NET Core 2.2.0
  • ASP.NET Core MVC
  • ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
  • Bootstrap
  • C# 7.3
  • CSS
  • Entity Framework Core
  • GitHub
  • HTML
  • MySQL
  • MySQL Workbench
  • Postman
  • Swagger/Open API
  • Swashbuckle
  • Versioning API
  • VS Code

👥 Contributors

Author Email
Harrison Strand

📝 Legal

This software is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Harrison Strand

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