A list of Python Logging handlers to upload logs to various locations
- Database
- Message Queues
- LogToPg
- logging-azure
- google-cloud-logging-handler
- influx-logging
- influxdb_logging
- aiogram-logging (for InfluxDB and Grafana)
- python-elasticsearch-loghandler
- python-coloredlogs
- python-colorlog (Formatter)
- cool-logging (more coloured logs)
- mux
- rainbow_logging_handler
- logging2telegram
- telegram_handler
- discord-logging
- logging-slackhandler
- slack_logging_handler
- GrassedSlackHandler
- DiSwarm (Discord Swarm)
- DiscordHandler
- tweethandler (Twitter Logging)
- sms-log-handler
- python-logging-loki
- sentry-python
- broadcast-logging (UDP logging handler)
- http-logging async TCP logging with SQLite3 cache
- webex-log-handler
- loggly-handler
- loggly-python-handler
- python-logstash-handler (Archived)
- restapi-logging-handler
- python-logging-prometheus
- starlog (for automatic log aggregation/ analysis)
- flumehandler (Apache Flume)
- libreNMS-handler
- pubnubsub-handler
- splunk