
Software Engineering Theory and Practice Coursework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Software Engineering Theory and Practice (Coursework)

GitHub Username Name UP Number
Harry-Martin Harry Martin UP896106
psidex Simon Jenner UP897821
Sam200080 Sam Parsons UP889823
SammyJC Sam Clifton UP880264
Bancsii Daniel McKenna UP846201
romelblair Romel Blair UP811440

For Daniel 21 commissions were done without registering the right account, containing 1,400 additions. They can be viewed in the history.

Installation / Running

  • Install and run PostgreSQL
  • Install Node.js + NPM
  • git clone this repository
  • cd to the SoftEngTeam4C directory that you just cloned
  • Run the setup file using PostgreSQL:
    • psql -f src/setup.sql or equivalent command
  • Install the required packages:
    • npm i
  • Run the server:
    • npm start
  • Visit


We are using jsdoc

Run npm run docgen to regenerate the documentation currently in /docs


We are using jest as our jesting framework. Run npm test to run all the tests in /tests.


We are using eslint for automatic Javascript linting. Run npm run lint to lint.

Static files

Any and all files in the SoftEngTeam4C/src/static/ directory are served from the route /static, for example the absolute path to main.js would be

API Routes

  • This is a REST API.
  • For all routes except /api/auth, the user must be logged in.
  • POST requests should have their data sent in the body (shown in the example), GET requests should have their data sent as url parameters, e.g. /api/question?id=69.
  • ALL API routes will always return JSON, and will always have a success field in the returned body, indicating if the request was successful or not.
Verb Path Parameters Description Returns (includes example)
POST /api/auth/login {email: "", password: ""} Log in {success: true|false}
POST /api/auth/register {email: "", password: ""} Register user {success: true|false}
POST /api/question {text: "", title: ""} Submit a question The ID of the newly created question - {success: true, id: 1}
GET /api/question ?id=1 Get a questions details {success: true, text: "", title: "", date: "", user_id: 1}
GET /api/question/answers ?id=1 Get all answers for the given question ID A field with an array of objects, each containing id, text, score, and user_id - {success: true, answers: [{...}, {...}, etc.]}
GET /api/question/search ?searchText=Lorem+ipsum Get all question IDs and titles; ordered using textual search. An empty search term will return result ordered by date [{id: 1, title: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit"}, ...]
POST /api/answer {question_id: 1, text: ""} Submit an answer. After submitting you should refresh your answer list using the question/answers route {success: true|false}
PUT /api/answer/vote {id: 1, upvote: true} Upvote / downvote an answer. The upvote field should be true if the user is upvoting, and false if the user is downvoting The new score - {success: true|false, score: 1}

Javascript Example

// Define an asynchronous function as we want to use fetch, which is asynchronous
async function logInUser() {

    // The API route
    const url = "";

    // The data we want to send
    // Credentials taken from SQL setup file
    const data = {
        email: "test-email@test.ac.uk",
        password: "password"

    // Fetch returns a response object that tells us different things about the response
    const response = await fetch(url, {
        method: 'POST', // Send a POST request
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, // Tell the server we are sending JSON
        body: JSON.stringify(data) // Data type must match "Content-Type" header

    // Get the JSON data from the response
    const returned = await response.json();

    // Check if it worked
    if (returned["success"] === true) {
        // You are logged in now
        // At this point you would probably send the user to another page (like a home page)
    } else {
        // Login failed
