PyTorch implementation of adversarial attacks [torchattacks]
- 0
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[QUESTION] question about normalization
#200 opened by kydxh - 1
[FEATURE] Compatibility with pytorch 2.5
#199 opened by moghadas76 - 2
#183 opened by ShuchunXu - 0
[QUESTION]The attack success rate of CW in the least-likely mode is 0, and the BIM in the same situation is above 90
#198 opened by wang1528186571 - 1
When I tested CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, I wanted to use the standard version of Resnet50. The robust version was added to the robustbench library.
#197 opened by wang1528186571 - 2
Adversarial attacks for YOLOv8 Detection task
#175 opened by BilAlHomsi - 0
[QUESTION] AutoAttack iterations
#196 opened by brsunagad - 1
Errors when downloading models from model zoom
#195 opened by JAMES-YI - 0
requests package version
#194 opened by jungcheolseung - 2
- 4
#191 opened by talrub - 9
[BUG] JSMA massive gpu memory consumption
#187 opened by Dontoronto - 1
Implementation of SuperDeepFool attack
#190 opened by alirezaabdollahpour - 1
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Difference in robust accuracies for Autoattack
#188 opened by iamsh4shank - 3
[QUESTION] I have got confused by the code description
#186 opened by EthanChu7 - 6
[QUESTION]BIM and PGD have the same output
#185 opened by pleaseWind - 2
[BUG] Bugs in the f function of cw.py
#184 opened by EthanChu7 - 1
[BUG] The implementation of eps-ball in MI-FGSM
#182 opened by ZhongliangGuo - 11
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/imagenet_class_index.json'
#181 opened by Qucl457 - 1
[BUG]The one-pixel attack is not working as expected. It seems not work?
#180 opened by finger-monkey - 3
[BUG] FAB is not working
#179 opened by mmajewsk - 1
[BUG] Applying attacks on 2 instances of the same model gives too far away results
#178 opened by talrub - 5
torchattacks.FGSM(model, eps=0) perturbs image
#172 opened by michellerosehb - 1
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: './data/imagenet'
#177 opened by tryingmybest99 - 3
[QUESTION]How to use Square or Pixle to attack?
#176 opened by allanxia - 6
[BUG] Getting same image as input
#155 opened by Moebits - 4
One of the differentiated Tensors appears to not have been used in the graph. Set allow_unused=True if this is the desired behavior.
#170 opened by rishiyanth - 2
Adversarial Training
#169 opened by COD1995 - 7
- 4
[QUESTION] Binary search for Carlini-Wagner
#167 opened by Adversarian - 3
[BUG] no function "set_training_mode" but "set_model_training_mode" instead
#159 opened by skadiscarlet - 1
one pixel numpy, tensor incompatiblity
#162 opened by hosnahoseini - 1
[QUESTION] What is the difference between autoattack.py in this repository and autoattack.py in the auto-attack repository?
#164 opened by seopp - 3
[QUESTION] Can be used for segmentation tasks?
#141 opened by MarlonGarcia - 1
[BUG] miss of res for L1 in torchattack.fab.py
#163 opened by JieHarry-Hu - 8
[BUG] PGDL2 very low attack success rate
#142 opened by rikonaka - 2
[BUG] Incorrect random start of PGD L2
#161 opened by Framartin - 2
[QUESTION] About check_validity function
#158 opened by WWWWWLI - 2
[BUG]when i use pip to install the new version, it uinstall my cuda and torch(1.12.0) and install the cpu version(1.13.0)
#157 opened by biuboomc - 2
[QUESTION]The 'inf' in 'deepfool.py'
#156 opened by songty21110133 - 5
[QUESTION] Using this on blip captioner
#154 opened by Moebits - 3
- 0
[QUESTION]autoattack in binary classification
#152 opened by xarryon - 4
[FEATURE] Target attack of PI-FGSM
#146 opened by CHENBIN99 - 7
TorchAttack for Quantised pytorch model
#150 opened by mohanrajroboticist - 4
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[FEATURE] Consider adding PI-FGSM attack
#143 opened by CHENBIN99