
home video vignettes via instagram

Primary LanguagePython


home video vignettes via instagram

editing the videos into clips

if you already have long videos on s3, you'll need to break them down into short snackable content first

ec2 instance

start up an ec2 instance, referencing keypair location & public IP

ssh -i ".ssh/AWS_KEY_PAIR.pem" ubuntu@123.456.789.000

ssh key

create a ssh key

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "GITHUB ACCOUNT EMAIL ADDRESS"

then, access that key

cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub

then, paste that to the deploy keys for this project

clone repo from github & prep your server

finally, use git to clone this project onto your ec2 instance

git clone git@github.com:harrybrisson/brissonstagram.git

run the initialize script to set up everything you need program and module-wise

cd brissonstagram

bash initialize.sh

if you want to set up in a virtual environment, use the below to set up

python3 -m venv .env source .env/bin/activate

now, add in your credentials for aws

nano authorizations/aws-credentials.json

time to prepare the clips

then, you can start up tmux to keep the function going even if you disconnect


run the snackablize function!

python3 snackablize_videos.py

editing the videos into clips

if you've already done the above steps, then all you'll need to do is the following

add additional credentials

similar to how you did previously, you'll just want to add credentials for twitter & gmail

nano authorizations/twitter-credentials.json

nano authorizations/gmail-credentials.json

bring your memories into the light

after you break down your videos into clips, you can run the post random memory script

python3 post_random_memory.py

you can also set up a crontab to run every 6 hours; edit your scheduled tasks using crontab -e then add the below code at the end of the file

0 */6 * * * bash /home/ubuntu/brissonstagram/run.sh

where next

is this a workaround to avoid instagramapi woes? https://developer.hootsuite.com/docs/message-scheduling ($240/yr?) https://buffer.com/developers/api/profiles#schedulesupdate (cancelled...)