a light-weight Markdown editor based on React. 一款轻量的基于React的markdown编辑器
- 1
Accept only Images - "onImageUpload"
#304 opened by mahasrc - 0
- 1
[Feature Request]如何支持用户可以动态调节高度
#302 opened by lush-99 - 1
- 5
#300 opened by lush-99 - 1
#289 opened by XinYueXiao - 2
#287 opened by ruilingshan - 1
[Feature Request]: 可以支持插件图标位置自定义么?
#299 opened by jianhao - 2
[Question] Modifying Toolbar Button's function
#298 opened by edward1127 - 2
- 0
how to get incerment data?
#297 opened by lush-99 - 4
[BUG] onChange gets called twice
#243 opened by kimgysen - 2
How do I allow users to select images from devices. It's not documented.
#296 opened by RamazaniMwemedi - 0
[BUG] User can still changes the content when readOnly is true with kb style shortcuts
#294 opened by dennisat - 0
#293 opened by isVicky722 - 0
[Question] Asset Upload to Cloud Storage Serivce
#291 opened by ZehuaZhang - 3
#265 opened by hexiaochen666 - 1
Demo source
#262 opened by majoshi1 - 0
[BUG] Autoresize not working if updating value externally (field has no focus)
#285 opened by fgatti675 - 1
- 0
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Support for RTL
#281 opened by munafio - 1
[Question] required prop for textarea
#282 opened by kirdiapin-n - 0
#275 opened by VanHoth - 0
[BUG] Wrong borders of editor
#274 opened by Webbrother - 2
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Table is not working
#260 opened by ps0002 - 1
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请问可以支持react v18.2.0吗
#270 opened by Yorenzz - 1
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[BUG] Can't work in React ^18.0
#259 opened by PuffMeow - 0
#269 opened by yanuel - 0
请问客户端展示, 如何渲染呢
#264 opened by zdwork - 0
[BUG] Locale of en-us only takes effect partly on several tool bars when using next.js
#257 opened by jc-yang - 1
How to pass props for own plugins?
#234 opened by a-tonchev - 0
#256 opened by AmbitionJun - 1
Insert Emoji Character
#246 opened by ebitogu - 1
[BUG] 这里最后是 / 导致颜色是黑色的
#242 opened by crazyair - 1
#244 opened by zsl666666 - 0
[BUG] 請問 onImageUpload 可以自定義 alt text 嗎?
#255 opened by whlshy - 0
[BUG] Spelling error on tooltip
#249 opened by BurgerBurglar - 0
#245 opened by hellolujian - 0
Security concern
#241 opened by JamieSlome - 1
[REQUEST] passing className props to MdEditor
#236 opened by daveteu - 1
[BUG] 点击图片没有反应。
#239 opened by florida0723 - 1
#238 opened by windf17 - 1
#235 opened by JuyRen - 0
[BUG] Preview-only mode is still editable
#233 opened by hugolam - 2
[BUG] jest 测试环境中,上传图片异常 uuid is not a function
#231 opened by zjhou - 1
[BUG] import uuid 方式存在问题,导致使用uuid()报错
#230 opened by crtan7