
DFS and A* search on supplied mazes made up of "#"s and "-"s !

Primary LanguagePython


Prerequisites: Python 3.10+, PIP 22.3.1+

Instructions: Firstly you need to set up a python virtual environment, make sure you are in the ecm2423_ca directory and run:

Linux / MacOS

python3 -m venv env


python -m venv env

Now you need to activate the virtual environment.


source env/bin/activate


# cmd.exe

# powershell.exe

You know the virtual environment is activated if you have a (env) at the start of your prompt.

Finally, you can install the requirements for the project by using pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

This is not required to run the program but good to know:

  • To deactivate and exit your python virtual environment you can type deactivate in your terminal instance.

Running the Program

The main python file to run the maze solving algorithms is mazes.py and this takes command line arguments.

To run the program (in an activated virtual environment):

python mazes.py <filename> <algorithm>

Optional flags:

--stats # outputs stats about the maze search, including number of nodes explores, path length, and time taken.
--path # outputs the path as a list of coordinates where coordinataes are (y, x) with origin being in the top left of the maze.
--prettyoutput # This outputs the maze with a green path showing the route through the maze.

Where filename is the location of the maze file you are using, I have included the maze files in the ecm2423_ca folder so you can just type the name of the file.

algorithm is either dfs or a-star to run a depth-first search of a-star search on the inputted maze.

Further point, you can run python mazes.py -h to get help on the inputs.

An example given here runs the a-star search algorithm on the large maze:

python mazes.py maze-Large.txt a-star

Another example runs depth-first search on the medium maze and outputs the path:

python mazes.py maze-Medium.txt dfs --path

Another example runs a-star search on the small maze and outputs the stats, path, and pretty output.

python mazes.py maze-Small.txt a-star --stats --path --prettyoutput