
My semestral assignment solution for the parallel programming course.

Primary LanguageC++

Parallel programming semestral assignment


Welcome to my parrallel programming course semestral assignment solution. This source code represents a program that finds a correlation formula between two vectors of values.

In this work, concepts such as vectorization and padding, OpenCL a GPGPU computation and genetic programming were used.


  • CMake version >= 3.13
  • C/C++ compiler (GCC) with C++17 support
  • For building out from source - OpenCL SDK and OpenCL C++ headers in PATH (refer to the build guide below), Intel TBB (due to std::execution_policy)

Run application

For Windows and Mac (Apple Silicon only), binaries are included in the bin directory. For others, please refer to the build guide.

  1. Download the resources files, available HERE.

  2. Inside project folder, create a new folder called "resources" and inside, place the downloaded contents. The structure of the resources folder must be following:


    Where XXX represents patient number between 001 and 016

  3. IMPORTANT! Replace the original HR_001.csv with the provided HR_001.csv in the root of the repository (due to wrong format inside the original dataset). The data have NOT been tampered with.

    The regular expressions used for reformatting the HR source file are available in the regex.txt file

  4. Open a terminal or a command line in the root directory of this project and run these using the following commands:

        ./build/exec/ppr <opt: period_size>

Build from source

Build from source is supported only on Mac/Linux (Windows not tested).

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Download the resources files, available HERE.

  3. Inside the cloned repository, create a new folder called "resources" and inside, place the downloaded contents. The structure of the resources folder must be following:


    Where XXX represents patient number between 001 and 016

  4. IMPORTANT! Replace the original HR_001.csv with the provided HR_001.csv in the root of the repository (due to wrong format inside the original dataset). The data have NOT been tampered with.

    The regular expressions used for reformatting the HR source file are available in the regex.txt file

  5. If you're building on Windows, make sure to set proper compiler path inside the CMakeLists.txt file.

  6. Make sure you have the following environment variables set (based on your compiler), as shown in the following example:

    Optionally, you can adjust these inside the CMakeLists.txt file (CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER)

  7. Also make sure you have OpenCL and Intel TBB libraries installed properly

  8. Build out the application using the build.(sh|bat) script (make sure it is executable)

  9. Built binary will be available inside the build/exec directory. To run the binary, navigate back to the root of the project, open a command line or a terminal inside and type in the following command:

        ./build/exec/ppr <opt: period_size>
  10. All of the logs will be placed inside the log folder

  11. All of the generated outputs (SVG plots) will be placed inside the out folder