
Template used to code juicy solidity stuff - includes forge, libs, etc.

This template is a good starting point for building solidity extensions to the Juicebox Protocol. Forking this template may help you to avoid submodule related dependency issues down the road.

Getting started


Install & Update Foundry

Install Forge with curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash. If you already have Foundry installed, run foundryup to update to the latest version. More detailed instructions can be found in the Foundry Book.

Install & Update Yarn

Follow the instructions in the Yarn Docs. People tend to use the latest version of Yarn 1 (not Yarn 2+).

Install Included Dependencies

Install the included dependencies (forge tests, Juice-contracts-V3, OZ) with forge install && yarn install.

Adding dependencies

With Yarn

If the dependency you would like to install has an NPM package, use yarn add [package] where [package] is the package name. This will install the dependency to node_modules.

Tell forge to look for node libraries by adding node_modules to the foundry.toml by updating libs like so: libs = ['lib', 'node_modules'].

Add dependencies to remappings.txt by running forge remappings >> remappings.txt. For example, the NPM package jbx-protocol is remapped as @jbx-protocol/=node_modules/@jbx-protocol/.

With Forge

If the dependency you would like to install does not have an up-to-date NPM package, use forge install [dependency] where [dependency] is the path to the dependency repo. This will install the dependency to /lib. Forge manages dependencies using git submodules.

Run forge remappings > remappings.txt to write the dependencies to remappings.txt. Note that this will overwrite that file.

If nested dependencies are not installing, try this workaround git submodule update --init --recursive --force. Nested dependencies are dependencies of the dependencies you have installed.

More information on remappings is available in the Forge Book.

Updating dependencies

With Yarn

Run yarn upgrade [package].

With Forge

Run foundryup to update forge.

Run forge update to update all dependencies, or run forge update [dependency] to