
Project Name: WikiStand2014 Project Brief: Demonstrationmodel, based on WikiHouse NY Makerfaire model, for expositions and events, ended up as a small garden shed. Core Team: Jan Willem de Groot, Peter Veldmans, Vincent Muller


WikiStand2014, built several times as an open source DIY demonstration model for WikiHouseNL chapter.
We exposed the model [sometimes partly] on events like:
- 'Gevel2014'[Ahoy, Rotterdam, NL]
- 'Gevel2015' [Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, NL]
- 'Building Holland 2014' [RAI, Amsterdam, NL]
- 'Dag van de Architectuur 2014' [Meelfabriek, Leiden, NL]
- 'Festival Ambacht21' in 2015 & 2016 [Zutphen, NL]
- 'symposium BouwBetaalbaarAnders' 2016 [KAF, Almere, NL]
The model is based on the WikiHouse built on the New York Maker Faire by WikiHouse.cc and Sketchup in 2013.

The cutting files can be used, but check the margins as used very carefully first.
The margins depends on the thickness of the panels, be aware if you apply OSB instead of plywood/ multiplex that these margins are even more important!
Building the model is own responsibility.

WikiHouseNL team

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