
Generic backend implementation exposing REST API with auth and state storage via mongoDB.

Primary LanguagePython


Generic backend implementation exposing REST API with auth and state storage via mongoDB.

User Actions

Data Creation

  • Register a mouse
  • Collect a tissue sample
  • Extract DNA from a tissue sample
  • Amplify extracted DNA
  • Run gel of amplified DNA
  • Image gel (and have image data determine mouse genotype)

Data Retrieval

  • Find mouse genotype
  • Trace genotyping workflow for single mouse

Fun in a Shell

make shell
>>> from RestApi.serializers import AssaySerializer
>>> from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer
>>> from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
>>> ass = Assay(code="Foo\nbar\nbaz")
>>> ass.save()
>>> serializer = AssaySerializer(ass)
>>> serializer.data
{'id': 1, 'record_timestamp': '2019-09-20T03:42:06.392784Z', 'title': '', 'code': 'Foo\nbar\nbaz', 'active': False}
>>> print(repr(serializer))
AssaySerializer(<Assay: Assay object (1)>):
    id = IntegerField(read_only=True)
    record_timestamp = DateTimeField(read_only=True)
    title = CharField()
    code = CharField()
    active = BooleanField(